Angel Series Finale

So last night I finally watched the end of Angel.


I’ve had a real love/hate relationship with the show. When it was serious, I’ve really enjoyed it. When it was dumb, well, who really needs more dumb TV? Lorne, for instance, was awful. From day 1 to the ending, the character was just what he was… a big dumb pun (Green Lorne, get it? Lorne Greene? … in case you never made that connection).

But when the show went dark, I thought it was pretty good. And I will miss it.

The biggest surprise to me, in the ending arc, was how well Amy Acker did in jumping from Fred to Illeria (spelling?) and back. And she was pretty hot when she was blue, too, but that’s a post for another blog.

As for the very last episode…I thought it was ok. Its…savage, when a cast is killed off in the final episode of a series. It feels like a betrayel. Remember the last show of Blake’s 7? They all died and it was just like… “Shit, how could you do this to us fans?”

So Angel’s “They probably die but maybe not” ending seemed like a decent balance, though it was odd how it was juxtaposed with Wesley’s death. OTOH, the latter wasn’t as awful as the way Anya’s death was played so ‘lightly’ at the end of BTVS.

But was it stellar? No. Was it satisfying? Again, no. I’ll miss Angel, even though a lot of the acting was bad, and so too were a lot of the episodes. But my Season Pass list on Tivo is getting mighty thin these days and with no shows from the Buffyverse on…well, I’m just feeling a bit blue.


No posts for a few days because work has kept me mighty busy and when I have had some free time I’ve just been playing Fire Emblem or Horizons. Not much worth reporting there, other than both continue to be fun.

Tonight I watched the first two Sharpe movies. I’ve seen these before, on Masterpiece Theater or The History Channel, but seeing them on DVD just makes them so much better.

Sharpe, played by Sean Bean, is kind of a Napoleonic superhero. Raised from the ranks to become an officer after he saved Arthur Wellesley’s (soon to be Lord Wellington’s) life, he leads a company of riflemen/sharpshooters into all kinds of daring exploits, along the way wooing women and making a name for himself.

The movies are based on the truly wonderful books by Bernard Cornwell, starting with Sharpe’s Rifles. In book or movie form, the Sharpe stories are very enjoyable indeed. You can get the DVD’s from the BBC America Shop website in 4 & 3 packs, but buying them individually at Amazon is actually cheaper.

Game Over

Tonight was the first episode of the new animated series, Game Over. Its supposed to tell the story of a family of video game characters when they’re not working. I was surprised to find myself more or less enjoying it. I loved the inside gamer jokes that kept popping up (no spoilers) and I’m also a fan of Patrick Warburton (who you’ll remember played The Tick in the live-action series of that cartoon, as well as the henchmen of the villain in The Emperor’s New Groove) who plays the father.

I have to say I never would’ve placed Lucy Liu (who plays the mom) if I hadn’t looked up the voice credits, but she did a nice job.

For me, enjoyment of the show will depend a lot on how much airtime “Turbo” (the vile family pet) gets, as I didn’t like that character much at all.

I’ll definitely watch it again, though. I went into it expecting a train wreck and found instead an OK show.


I just watched a movie called Druids in English, and Vercing�torix in French. It wasn’t a great movie. But it portrayed a period of history that had never even crossed my mind before. In fact I wasn’t sure it was based on real history at all until I did some Googling.

Turns out that Vercing�torix was a Gaul chieftain who opposed Julius Ceasar for a time around 52BC (when Ceasar finally defeated him). If you search on his name you’ll find a lot of pages in French, but sadly I don’t read French very well. But I did find a couple of links in English:
The Iron Age in the Auvergne
From Antiquity to the Middle Ages
Neither of these are extensive references but they at least show that the movie was based at least loosely on history. And so I’m glad I saw it, from the point of view of it exposing me to a bit of history that, as I said, I’ve never even considered before.

PoP Movie

According to various sites, Jerry Bruckheimer’s (Pirates of the Carribean, King Arthur) production company is in negotiations to buy the film rights to Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. The creator of the original Prince of Persia game, Jordan Mechner, is already working on a screenplay. This isn’t as alarming as it sounds, as in the years between the original game and the recent Sands of Time Mechner has been making his living as a screenwriter and filmmaker.

Here’re a couple of links, but if you Google “Bruckheimer Prince of Persia” you’ll find plenty more:
Bruckheimer eyes Prince of Persia
Bruckheimer Films buys Prince of Persia film rights.

Saturday is movie day!

Yesterday I vegged out in front of the TV and watched two movies: Apollo 13 and Igby Goes Down.

Apollo 13 is a great movie, but everyone knows that by now. What really struck me was how, even though I lived through the events and even though I’ve seen the movie a few times, I still get totally caught up and find myself perched on the edge of my seat, tense as can be. Seems to me that says volumes about Ron Howard’s abilities as a film maker. If for some reason you haven’t seen it, make a point to do so.

Igby Goes Down on the other hand… well, I did like it, but if the lead character was supposed to be garnering my sympathy, well, I didn’t get that. I find it hard to feel for a bratty trust-fund kid who has issues with his parents. Growing up in The Hamptons, I just hung out with too many of these kids during my late teen summers. I mean, yeah he has problems, but so does everyone else, y’know? At least he’s got people handing him cash every 5 minutes so he isn’t going to starve.

But maybe I’m reading too much into it. Watch it as a dark comedy and its fairly entertaining. Everyone in it is a caricature, but they’re all played pretty well, in my very amateur opinion. I especially liked Jeff Goldblum as “D.H.” since I’ve not often seen him in a role like this one and he was pretty good.

[Disclaimer for all the above: I am no student of film. I don’t really take movies all that seriously. So this is just the opinions of an average joe…]

Angel Error

At the risk of proving what you’ve already suspected — that I’m a complete and utter geek-nerd — I have to draw your attention to a Major Error in the “100th Episode” of Angel (the one in which Cordelia returns). And yes, I’m sure this has been pointed out by many others, but darnit, I’m behind in my Tivo watching.

Anyway, in this Angel ep, Spike is shown playing a video game. We’re facing him so we can’t see the screen, but we can see the console. It’s an XBox. But we can also hear the sounds, and he’s playing Donkey Kong, of all things! In fact his dialog even says something about a big ape throwing barrels.

So what’s up with that? Playing Donkey Kong on an XBox? If they’d gone with Galaga or something, we could pass it off as him playing one of those Namco Museum type games, but a Nintendo property on Micrsoft hardware! That just ain’t right!!! 🙂

I jest of course. Actually, it was a pretty damned potent episode, and yet one more reason to lament the fact that the show has been cancelled.