August 2024

It seems a little odd to do a monthly recap this month. Traditionally I’ve been doing those mostly as a reminder to future me as to what I was playing when. This month it’s all there in the posts I’ve already written. Also, ironically enough, I didn’t do as much gaming as I generally do because I spent so much time writing posts! I’m a pretty quick ‘rough draft’ writer but I make a ton of typos and errors and tend to spend a lot of time re-reading & re-writing, plus cropping and resizing screenshots, doing the SEO work and all that. And I STILL always find several mistakes after posting!!

So having blogged every day this month, will I continue? No, not daily. It’s just a bit too much for me. But my “whenever I feel like it” approach isn’t working either. I have gotten faster over the course of the month and the amount of mental effort it takes to write a post is much lower now than it was on August 1st, just demonstrating once again that the brain is a muscle. Writing a lot makes writing faster and easier…what a revelation! πŸ™‚ I think I want to commit to a minimum of two posts a week and kind of hope for at least 3. But two seems like an easily achievable goal that won’t stress me out.

The reason I did Naaagust rather than Blaugust is because I generally HATE commitments. The running joke that I wasn’t in fact doing Blaugust but just happened to be posting every day gave me a mental escape hatch where I could stop any time I wanted to without feeling like I’d failed. Yes my brain is easily tricked, even when it is me doing the tricking.

Anyway, on to the traditional recap.


Fallout 76 — I’ve once again ‘broken’ a game for myself and this time it is Fallout 76. I so hyper-focused on advancing the Seasons that it became one more chore to do every day, like feeding the dog. I did it, but I did it as quickly as possible then shut the game down. I dabbled a bit with playing on PC which was fun for a few nights but then I started to think about duplicating the hundreds (over 500 in fact) of hours I’d devoted to the Xbox version and decided that life is too short to do all that over again. So Fallout 76 is kind of in a holding pattern until then next update drops (and the next season starts) in a few days. Sadly the big new feature for this update is delayed a bit, but we’ll get the new Legendary Crafting system which should be interesting. Just a matter of if it is “good interesting” or “bad interesting.” πŸ™‚ I SHOULD hit level 200 in the current season before it ends, but I will NOT be stressing over the seasons stuff the next time around. I want the game to be fun again!

Oh I almost forgot, just this past Thursday I encountered a Legendary Treasure Hunter; a mob I’ve never seen before. I guess it must be from some event. It was on my private server so wasn’t something triggered by another player. I’ll have to do some research. [Fallout 76 is just not a game that screenshots well, sorry!]

In game snapshot of a Legendary Treasure Hunter in Fallout 76. I'd never encountered one of these before!
These mole-miner Legendary Treasure Hunter was a new find for me this past week.

Diablo IV — This is a weird one. Every time I play my seasonal character I enjoy myself, and on the new PC I’m pretty dumbfounded by the spectacle of it all, particularly when I’m wearing headphones and it is at night and dark and no one else is around. It’s great! But… I just don’t boot it up very often and I am not sure why. Maybe it is as simple as having too many different gaming irons in the playtime fire and preferring to play games that friends are playing. I don’t play WITH friends but just talking on the socials about playing the same game as them is enjoyable.

Guild Wars 2 — This journey has been pretty well-documented this month, and I don’t plan to stop any time soon. This is probably the most fun I’ve ever had playing Guild Wars 2. I don’t think it is that the game has changed so much as that I have changed. I don’t question it too much, I just enjoy the ride.

Guild Wars 2 character showing off her green cloak with a dragon on it
Been taking my first steps into the Guild Wars 2 fashion scene, which of course is the true endgame! πŸ™‚

World of Warcraft — I STILL can’t believe I’m back in WoW, but so far, at least, I’m having fun, but I’m not like ‘over the moon’ having fun. It helps that I skipped so many expansions so that in a lot of ways it feels like a new game. I think I need to stop doing every quest I see and get the story moving. My new character is something like level 21 now. We’ll see if it still gets listed in the September recap!

I guess that’s it then. You know me, always playing the newest games! LOL


Time Bandits (Apple TV) — We thought this was really cute. I guess folks were mad because it wasn’t a sequel to the original movie or something? I wasn’t really paying attention when it came out. But THIS Time Bandits is about a little kid, Kevin, who is a complete history nerd that falls in with a group of misfits who call themselves bandits but rarely manage to steal anything. Wherever in time they go, Kevin tends to be the smartest one in the room but he manages NOT to be obnoxious. We thought it was often funny and often sweet.

A Discovery of Witches (Netflix) — This is an urban fantasy series in the ‘sexy vampires’ genre. PartPurple loves this stuff and I usually only tolerate it, but for some reason this one is grabbing me. Maybe I’m just getting sappy in my old age. I’m not sure I would actually recommend it, though. This time out we have witches, vampires and demons living among us and they all hate each other. But our beautiful young witch main character falls in love with a 1500 year old vampire, upsetting all the other various creatures. We’re not too far into it but it’s OK so far. This one originally aired on AMC in the US.

Rent-A-Girlfriend (Crunchyroll) — I reviewed this one. Spoiler: I really enjoyed it!

Recovery of an MMO Junkie (Crunchyroll) — I reviewed this one too! Spoiler again: I really enjoyed it, too. Enough so that I’ve watched it twice now.

I KNOW we watched some other stuff but whatever it was left such a light impression on my brain that I’ve forgotten what it was!


Still nothing, really. Every so often I pick up The Tower of Swallows, book 4 in The Witcher series but you know, I’ve resisted admitting this to myself but I’m just not actually liking these books that much. I enjoy The Witcher games and The Witcher Netflix series but something about the pacing or the manner of storytelling in the novels isn’t super satisfying to me. There’s just one more after this so I’ll probably push through, but these are books that I WANT to like more than I ACTUALLY like. So make of that what you will.

And that’s Naaagust in the can! One more month of hellish summer and then maybe things will start to cool a bit. We did have a freakishly cool week this month which was just enough to get us all hopefully, then the brutal heat rolled back in. That’s just life in eastern North Carolina, I guess.

Now let’s see if I can post at least twice a week during the next month!

Recovery of an MMO Junkie

Having finished Rent-A-Girlfriend I was back to trolling through the far end of my watch list looking for something with the same kind of vibe, and I spotted Recovery of an MMO Junkie. This is one I’d watched before, but it’s quite short so I decided why not treat myself to a re-watch.

I think this one might resonate well with some of my readers. While it is not an isekai (a show about someone transported or trapped in another world, frequently a gaming world) it is, I guess, isekai-adjacent. The story is about Morioka Moriko, a 30 year old office worker who decides to quit her job, become a NEET and focus on playing MMOs. In simpler terms, she just stays in and games. She has fond memories of the last MMO she played, which she could only play on weekends, but it has shut down so she starts a new one, and decides to play as a guy named Hayashi.

She quickly meets Lily, a more advanced player who takes Hayashi under her wing, and from there winds up making a group of friends. She is very content with her online life (it is never really explained how she supports herself) but her IRL life mostly consists of putting on sweats and heading to the convenience store for food. The show bounces back and forth between in-game life and out-of-game life.

As things progress she and Lily grow closer and closer and Moriko struggles with this since Lily doesn’t know her real gender. Then one day she (literally) runs into a guy on the street and is impressed with how kind he is. This begins her slow journey back into the real world.

You can probably guess where this is going, but I don’t want to spoil anything. I will say events will really strain your sense of credulity.

In spite of that, I love this show. There’re no bad guys and nothing terrible happens. It’s just a real feel good show; very cozy. No screaming, no explosions. Even the enemies in-game are kind of cute. And if you’ve ever playing an MMO in a guild that grows into a kind of family, lots of what happens in the in-game scenes will feel pleasantly familiar.

It’s also fairly short (11 or 12 episodes) and the manga it is based on was put on hiatus when the creator got ill. As far as I know it never came back, and Recovery is from 2017 so I think it’s safe to say this is a 1 season and done show. If you’ve been away from anime for a while, this might be a good way to dip your toes back in.


A while back I was looking for a new anime to watch. I have a pretty large Watch List on Crunchyroll because I add things on a whim, but I tend to use the old Last In, First Out methodology. So I’m always watching stuff I just recently added and shows further back in the list get forgotten. This time around I decided to go the END of my Watch List and pick something.

I’ve been “learning” Japanese on Duolingo for about 10 months now, and I find watching anime helps keep me motivated to stick with that. After 315 days of learning, I know almost NO Japanese. I’m still learning to parse the language; it is still a challenge for me to figure out where one word ends and the next begins. Learning what the words actually mean is a whole ‘nother level of difficulty! Of course in anime characters tend to speak even faster than they do in my Duolingo lessons but I still feel like, on some subconscious level, watching anime is helping me. Or maybe I’m just justifying sitting around watching TV. But when I DO pick out a word or phrase, I get pretty excited. The other day, for the first time, I caught a change between the spoken dialog and written. The spoken referred to someone playing a game with their younger sister while the sub-title said they were playing with a friend. I was ecstatic! LOL

And just to complete the circle, I got the idea that I wanted to learn Japanese decades ago with the goal being able to play Japanese video games and watch anime that hadn’t been translated. Back then there was a lot less translating stuff to English, at least officially. Of course today everything gets translated but I still had a hankering to learn it, plus I’ve heard learning a new language is good for staving off old-man-brain so finally, almost a year ago, I got started.

Anyway, way off topic. So I scrolled to the end of my watch list and just past the series I’ve completed was Rent-A-Girlfriend. I have no recollection of how it got added as it definitely isn’t in my normal wheelhouse. I was honestly a little hesitant because I was worried it was some kind of soft core hentai. (I’m sure there’s a word for soft core hentai but I don’t know what it is.) But it wasn’t. Mostly.

I don’t know if renting girlfriends is a real thing in Japan. I’m guessing it is. The idea (based on this anime at least) is that you’re basically hiring someone to be your date for the day. I guess we’d call them escorts. But the dates are just that: dates. No fooling around after. No going home with anyone. It’s a way to pay to have some charming company for an afternoon or evening. At least that’s what I gathered from this show. Could be a complete fabrication, I haven’t done the research.

Anyway, when the series starts out, 20-something college student Kazuya has been dumped by his first real girlfriend. To cheer himself up he rents Mizuhara who of course is beautiful, intelligent and classy. At the end of the date she holds his hand and he thinks she has fallen for him. Then he looks up her profile and all her other dates are sharing how great it was that she held their hand at the end of the date. Kazuya gets mad and gives her a bad review. But of course he rents her again. Through a series of hijinks, both of the fake-couple’s families meet the pair and assume they are actual boyfriend and girlfriend, and from there they keep up the facade so as not to disappoint anyone.

To make matters worse, it turns out the two go to the same school. And just to stretch credibility even further.. it turns out they are next door neighbors! What are the odds? “Off the clock” Mizuhara is very different from “girlfriend” Mizuhara and Kazuya likes the real her even better, it seems. By now they’ve gone on so many dates there’s a whole bunch of people who think they’re a real couple and they struggle to keep their secret. This leads to more women entering the scene. The ex gets jealous, they encounter another rental girlfriend who falls for Kazuya and blackmails him into dating her, and a few more are picked up along the way. I guess this is why it is tagged as a “Harem” show but really he for the most part (he IS still a horny 20-something) just has eyes for Mizuhara.

I really enjoyed this one. It was often funny, it was often sweet. At times it was a little sad, and yes, at times it was a little dirty. Most of the dirty stuff happens in Kazuya’s imagination and as someone who once upon a time was a 20 year old ruled by his hormones, I could relate to a lot of his thoughts, and so I found them funny. For example he’ll accidentally get a glance down a character’s blouse and he’ll quickly look away while in his head he’ll be screaming at himself because he can’t get an imagined naked image of her out of his mind. It never goes too far though and outwardly he is a gentleman. Just like I always was as I suddenly found a cloud or something super fascinating while the little devil on my shoulder urged me to sneak another peek.

The biggest issue I had was that Kazuya is so much his own worst enemy. He is always over-thinking things and that leads him to always say or do the absolute worst thing. I’d get frustrated with him fairly often, though I dunno, maybe that is part of why the show hooked me: “Will he EVER learn?” πŸ™‚

There are currently three seasons and I’ve read there’s another coming next year. So, spoiler, there is no resolution by the end of season 3. But I found I was really rooting for the couple to get together. Maybe they will in season 4.

So yeah, no longer will I turn my nose up at anime labeled Romance, Harem, Shonen. Shonen in particular I generally avoid due to all the shouting. Kazuya mainly shouts inside his own head and it isn’t too bad.

I’m always a bit hesitant to recommend a TV show or a movie as I am definitely no critic and tend to be “easy” on this kind of media. And I’m even less of an expert on anime. But hey, if you have Crunchyroll and it sounds interesting, maybe give it a try. You might find it as endearing as I did. Though it CAN be a bit difficult to explain to your partner why you’re watching something with such a salacious title!

July 2024

July was the month I finally broke free of my Fallout 76 obsession! I mean, yes I’m still playing Fallout 76 but I’ve been playing other things, too.

I also bought a new gaming PC this month. I justified the purchase thusly: By buying a new gaming PC, I could re-purpose my older gaming PC into a new work PC. My current work PC is my even older gaming PC. It’s like 12 years old and getting super slow. (My official work machine, provided by my company’s IT dept, is gathering dust somewhere…thing is a total potato and so locked down I can’t install any of my tools on it.) The out-going PC I was using for work is old enough that the video card had a DVI port on it, and the disks were all HDDs. But the end result in terms of gaming is I went from an RTX 2070 that was OK at playing modern games on medium settings to an RTX 4070 that so far has been able to handle high or very high settings on the stuff I’ve tried it on. It probably helps that I am pushing a 1440P monitor with it rather than 4K.

But anyway, playing PC games on the widescreen monitor with high/very high settings and HDR and suddenly PC gaming is very appealing again!


Fallout 76 — As mentioned, still playing but I backed off quite a bit after my character crossed level 300 (and thus unlocked the final Legendary Slot perk) and I hit level 100 in the Season Pass. That is significant because up to level 100 you can ‘grind’ the season pass via a repeatable task to earn character experience. After 100 you just have a fixed number of daily and weekly tasks that will advance the season pass. Once I get to 150 (very soon — I’m at 145ish now) I can buy a bunch of perk points and level up my Legendary Perks and that will pretty much be the end of my character progression. From then on it’ll all be about chasing great gear, or just (gasp!) playing to have fun.

The pic at the top of this post is the new “survival tent” I got from the Season Pass. This is a Fallout 1st item, but they are SO handy. You can plunk it down almost anywhere and it gives you access to inventory, a bed to rest in, a couple of crafting benches (food and tinker) and a SPECIAL board so you can change your stats. I love this thing…though I’d love it more if it wasn’t so ugly!

My alt at Fasnacht. She is wearing a robot mask and carrying a mini-gun. Behind her the robots are lined up and ready for the parade
My alt all dressed up for Fasnacht. Just waiting around with her minigun BFF while the robots get ready to march in their parade

Guild Wars 2 — So how did I end up here? It started while watching Dusty Monk’s new YouTube channel where he was talking about the new World of Warcraft patch and how he is excited to be getting back into WoW. That inspired me to try to go back to WoW which just didn’t work. But in the midst of talking about that, some other friends were talking about an upcoming Guild Wars 2 expansion so I jumped over to try Guild Wars 2 for the umpteenth time.

It’s only been a few days but so far it is sticking. I (of course) made a new character and they’re level 50 after less than a week of playing. (I have something like 8 characters…one is level 80 but got there almost purely via daily login rewards rather than from being played. Another is level 54 and that character actually got played once upon a time. All the others never made it out of their 20s before I drifted away.) I’m mostly focusing on the story missions and events that pop up here and there. Something in my gaming brain has changed. I’m becoming less of a ‘game grazer’ and more likely to get stuck on a particular game for a good long time. My plan is to just move through 10 years of Guild Wars 2 content in order, but we’ll see how it goes.

A hidden underground grove in Guild Wars 2
Note to self: Figure out how to fit wide-screen images into blog posts.
Also I’m loving exploring Tyria! Look at this enchanting place?

The First Descendant — Before Guild Wars 2 hooked me, I was enjoying this free to play looter shooter. The core game is running around shooting and looting tons of stuff (surprise!) while doing some pretty basic missions. The meta game feels a lot like Warframe in that you level up both your characters and your weapon proficiency which unlocks slots to add mods to. People say the cash shop is predatory. I bought a Battle Pass for $10 just for grins but otherwise I haven’t spent anything, so the cash shop, so far, hasn’t bothered me much. It’s also worth mentioning there’s a lot of fan service in the character models. Skin tight outfits with plenty of peek-a-boo holes barely covering some unrealistically proportioned bodies. Oh, one more thing I enjoy: cross save/cross progression across PC, Xbox and PS5. I still WANT to play this but between Fallout 76 Daily Tasks and being hooked on GW2, there just hasn’t been enough time.

Once Human — This survivalbox MMO is proving to be pretty popular in the circles I visit. I like it but I am confused about how the Seasons work and how big a setback that will feel like. Because of this I haven’t really cut loose in it. It is definitely on my ‘things to circle back to’ list, though.

Diablo IV — I FINALLY finished the campaign, using a character I started last season that is now over on the Eternal Realm or whatever it is called. Now I guess when the new season starts on August 6th I can see if I find the post-campaign game to be more interesting. Because honestly I found the campaign all pretty boring in terms of gameplay, I’m hoping once you hop off that treadmill and just do what seems fun, it’ll all be more interesting.

Random shot from Diablo IV showing a couple of characters standing around doing nothing
This is the only Diablo IV screenshot I have and I think I maybe hit the screenshot button by accident or something πŸ™‚


My Lady Jane (Amazon Prime) — We loved this. It’s an alternate (and much less grim) history of Lady Jane Grey, one in which there’s a tinge of magic in the world in the form of Ethians (spelling?): people who can shape-shift from human to an animal form. It’s based on a novel I haven’t read. The TV adaptation includes a salty narrator and a bunch of modern cover songs. It was a really unique show and I hope we get a second season!

WondLa (Apple TV) — This is a short animated series that felt like Horizon Zero Dawn meets Fallout meets Disney. Eva is a girl raised by a robot mom in an underground bunker. She heads to the surface to find other humans and to her surprise, the world has been drastically changed and is full of alien life. It was fun and kind of sweet. Not great but I think it was 7 episodes of 20 minutes or so, so it didn’t overstay its welcome.

We watched a lot of other stuff but nothing that stuck in my head so I guess none of it was that great! πŸ™‚


Nothing. Well, I’ve been reading a lot of news lately. Trying to stay informed without depressing myself, which let me tell you is like walking a tightrope! But it’s still too hot to hang out with the doggo outside and get much reading done. Maybe in September or October I can get back to reading.

And that’s July, all wrapped up in a neat bundle. We’re halfway through the summer, thanks goodness. Not that August is any cooler but at least the days are getting shorter which means we have a little more shade during our after-work walk. Until fall comes we’ll just keep taking it one day at a time, I guess. Hope wherever you are it is cooler (though that probably requires being in the southern hemisphere, so basically Naithin) and that you’re having a great summer!

June 2024

Another mostly empty monthly recap, just for the sake of keeping the habit alive.


Fallout 76, pretty much exclusively. My new character is now level 220-225 (at these levels I kind of don’t pay a ton of attention) and I’ve got the Season Scoreboard thing (which started on June 12th), to about level 80. The way the seasons work is there is a new page of rewards every 5-10 levels up to 100, then there’s nothing new until level 150. Once you get to level 150 there are rewards you can claim over and over, and one of them is Perk Points which are my bottleneck. So I’m pushing to get as many of those as I can. Up to level 100 there is a repeatable “task” that fires every 10,000 experience points, so you can really ‘grind’ the Season Scoreboard up to 100. But after 100 there’s just a fixed number of points you can acquire each week. That’s why I’m rushing these first 100 levels…to have as much time left as possible to get to 150 and beyond (we don’t know when the season ends but I’m assuming sometime in September).

That said, my obsession with Fallout 76 is starting to falter a little, at least to the point where I’m ready for some variety. I’m planning on jumping into The First Descendant on July 2nd, but until then I’ve been back to dabbling in Diablo IV. I still haven’t completed the campaign so I’m doing that on the Eternal Realm. The idea is I’ll be ready to just jump in with a new character when the next season starts, but we’ll see. I’m not actually a huge fan of the ‘roll a new character every season’ system when seasons run constantly just because I never have time (not literally of course) to play my ‘old’ characters.


Sweet Tooth Final Season (Netflix) – We wound up really enjoying this show. It’s a weird one. From the thumbnail of a young boy with deer antlers, and the name of the show, you might think you’re in for some kind of Disney-esque story. Nope. Very much nope. This is a tale of an apocalypse. A plague is killing all the humans and at the same time, babies are being born which are animal/human hybrids. You can imagine how welcoming most humans are towards them. So it’s actually an often grim tale, and the ending will be either good or bad depending on your point of view. But since the writers knew this was the final season, it DOES get a proper ending, which seems so rare these days.

Night Sky (Amazon Prime) – I haven’t seen this one talked about very much. We liked it, but didn’t love it. Still it felt unique enough to be worth watching. It stars Sissy Spacek and JK Simmons as an elderly couple who just happen to have a portal to another world in the basement of their shed. They’ve kept this a secret all their lives, but now in their twilight years everything starts to change. I don’t want to say too much beyond that, but I’d suggest giving it a shot.

3 Body Problem (Netflix) – Another mind-bendy show that I don’t want to say too much about because discovery is half the fun. If the title means nothing to you (it didn’t to me) it’s a physics problem about predicting orbits in a trinary star system. Or at least that’s what I made of it all. One of the superficial things I liked about this show is that it is about very smart people who aren’t awkward nerds; I’m glad that stereotype was left behind for this one. Another show I would recommend, though I really hope we get another season.

Dark Matter (Apple TV+) – Yes, more sci-fi! I haven’t finished this one yet, but it’s about traveling to parallel universes. I first skipped this one because it sounded like it’d be too similar to Constellation (also on Apple TV+) but it isn’t. This is kind of a sci-fi mystery. So far I’m liking it but again, haven’t finished so can’t be completely sure about this one yet.

Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead (Crunchyroll) – Another one I haven’t finished yet, but that I’m enjoying so far. What happens if you are an office worker in an exploitative company, and you can barely force yourself to go to the office each morning… and then a zombie apocalypse breaks out. Well in this case, you get ecstatic because it means no more work! Akira kind of accepts that sooner or later the zombies will get him, but to maximize his time until that happens, he creates a bucket list of things to do while he’s still human. This show somehow manages to stay upbeat and fun even when so many people Akira meets end up getting eaten. I’m not sure how that works, but it does. I think it helps that the zombies tend to be covered with blotches of bright primary colors (that are never explained) which gives the whole art style an oddly happy tone for a zombie show. Pretty fun so far.


– Nothing. Stupid hot weather means my “sit under a tree and read while Lola lounges in the grass” time isn’t happening, and that’s when I’ve been doing most of my reading lately.

And that’s June. Hoping the July recap will have more than 1 or 2 games in it. Until then, try to stay cool and don’t think too much about that incoming electricity bill (ours is already double what it is in winter and it’ll just go up more for July and August).


May 2024

Well this will for-sure be the shortest recap post I’ve ever had. Why? Because I almost literally played 1 game for the entire month. Aside from popping in to a few others for 5-10 minutes here and there to get a daily achievement or something, it was a monogamous month.


Fallout 76 — Like so many others, I really enjoyed the Fallout TV show and caught Fallout Fever from it. I decided to give Fallout 76 another chance and boy howdy did it ever stick. I created a new character, one that is now level 125 or thereabouts. I completed the Season Pass. I’m nearly done with the main story quest lines in spite of trying to savor them over time. I’ve learned about builds and gear and mutations and the world and the more I learn, the more fun I have. It really deserves its own post or series of posts, so I’ll leave off for now. But yeah, the only game I played for any length of time this month was Fallout 76.

Fallout 76 character paying respects to a child's grave
Fallout 76 can be both silly as heck, as shown in the picture at the top of this post, and very sad, as when you find this grave of a child behind an NPC’s camp.


Renegade Nell (Disney+) was pretty enjoyable. Not a must-watch but it was OK. It was a lot darker than I expected it to be. Basically it’s about a highwaywoman who has on again, off again superpowers due to a sprite or pixie or something. Swords and flintlocks and girl power. What’s not to like?

The Dead Boy Detectives (Netflix) was quite good. It is based on, I believe, a Neil Gaimon graphic novel series and (guessing even harder) I think it takes place in the Sandman universe. A couple of British ghosts wind up in Washington State (?) helping other ghosts move on while fighting a witch and dodging the afterlife bureaucracy that is hunting them to send them back to where THEY belong. They are accompanied by a few living friends who can see them. I LOVED Brianna Cuoco (sister of Kaley, of Big Bang Theory fame) as the resident adult and goth butcher shop owner who rents them all rooms.

Star Trek Discovery (Paramount+) continues to underwhelm me. In fact we kind of drifted away and need to make a point to go back and finish it as some point.


The summer heat is back and that means less time lounging outside reading. I’m in the midst of Baptism of Fire, the next Witcher novel, but haven’t finished it yet.

And that’s it! Short May recap but I am doing a TON of gaming, it’s just all been in Fallout 76!

April 2024

Farwell, April! Hello, summer hellscape!

I almost didn’t do a recap this month. I’m just not feeling it; it’s a little crazy that writing 1 post/month is starting to feel like a chore, but that’s my brain for you. Back in the day I used to write a post a day for IT World and still had words left over to write here! Getting old…I tell you, I don’t recommend it. Though as the old saying goes, it is better than the alternative.


Diablo IV — I went into D4 with a weird mix of low expectations due to everyone I know having not stuck with the game for very long, while on the other hand having personally been waiting so long to play it. (Knowing that Microsoft was trying to buy Activision inspired my inner cheapskate to hold out for it to hit Game Pass.) When it arrived, I found I liked it in small doses. Weird thing about subscription services is, for me at least, it kind of colors my reaction to things. If I’d spent $60 or $70 on Diablo IV I might’ve been a bit sour on it too. But getting it for “free” (obviously not truly free since I pay for Game Pass) makes me feel pretty forgiving.

Horizon Forbidden West — I’ve pretty much drifted away without finishing. I do want to go back at some point. Poor Alloy.

Dungeon Encounters — This is a pure dungeon crawler with turn-based combat that is on the PS5. I’ve been playing it on the Playstation Portal before bed as it’s an ideal handheld game. It feels kind of mindless; fun for 15-20 minutes before I turn the light out but back when I first played it on the big screen it couldn’t really hold my attention for too long. On the Portal it’s ideal.

Immortals of Avernum — This hit the PS Plus Extra and it was a game I’d always wanted to check out. I was really enjoying it, and feeling a little guilty about not buying it, given that the developer has all but gone out of business based on the lack of sales. This is another one I want to get back to, though. It’s kind of a magic-shooter, almost.

Fallout 76 — And this was the Great Disruptor this month. Like so many others, I enjoyed the Fallout TV series quite a bit. And like so many others, it put me in the mood to play a Fallout game, and this is the one I chose. I’ve picked up Fallout 76 a few times in the past, on a few different platforms, but never got very far. I think my highest level character was 22 or so. This time I started fresh (of course) and this time it stuck. As of the end of the month my new character is level 35, and I’m around level 40 on the Season Scoreboard, earning tickets to buy things to make my camps (I have 2) shinier. I bought the Fallout 1st subscription because it was 50% off, so only $6 & change, and I’ve been bouncing between a Private server and Public servers. I generally go Private to do my daily Season Scoreboard quests so I’m not competing for resources, and Public for everything else. I’m really enjoying it this time around and I think it all has to do with sticking with it long enough to get a decent weapon. I found a “Handmade” at about level 20 and suddenly I felt powerful, at least for a while. (The game scales everything to your level.) Anyway, I have half a mind to write a whole post about it, though I know Fallout 76 is a game that brings out the worst in a lot of people who DON’T play it, so not sure I will. But I’m having fun. It just pulled me away from all the other games I’d wanted to play!

Vault Dweller kneels in front of the statue at Vault Tech University



Fallout (Amazon Prime) — We loved this and we’re excited season 2 was greenlit. I found it interesting that @partpurple enjoyed it as much as I did even though she isn’t really familiar with the games.

Sweet Tooth (Netflix) — With the 3rd and final season coming in June, we decided to re-watch Season 1, and watch Season 2. Season 1 is kind of an origin store and road-trip show. Season 2 was more about how the world came to be and classic good vs evil stuff. It looks like season 3 might go back to road-tripping. If you’re unaware of the show, it’s a post-apocalypse world where most of humanity has been wiped out by a plague, while at the same time half-human/half-animal hybrids are being born. The titular Sweet Tooth is a half-deer boy around 10 or 12, and he’s being hunted by bad guys!

Star Trek Discovery (Paramount+) — We’re a little late starting this last season. I feel compelled to watch it as a lifelong Star Trek fan but I can’t honestly say I enjoy it very much. Kind of glad this is the last season. I have to say of all the Star Trek series, this is my least favorite.


Finished Blood of Elves & Time of Contempt, the Witcher series books three & four. Lola is slowing down and our walks are as much laying in the grass as they are walks, which means I’ve been getting a lot more reading time. What surprises me most about these books is that they’re really about Ciri and not Geralt. Who knew?

And that’s April in a nutshell!

March 2024

This might just be the shortest recap yet! I was pretty focused on one game for most of the month though as we head into April that has all changed.


The first half of March was all about Dying Light 2. I played nothing else until I hit the end credits, then I wrote a post about it so nothing much to recap here.

With that put to bed I went back to Horizon Forbidden West; I think my save there is at something like 60 hours and the PS5 tells me I’m not even 50% through it yet (which kind of tracks based on what I know about the main quest and by looking at how much of the map is still hidden). But HowLongToBeat says it has a 30 hour campaign and their “Completionist” figure is 88 hours so, yeah, just me being me and managing to turn every game I touch into a 100 hour marathon.

The weird sidetrack this month was Match-3 games (like Bejeweled). I suddenly got the itch to play one of these and went looking. The match-3 landscape is bleak, or I was just in the wrong aisle of the virtual game store. First I tried Gems of War which has fun gameplay but the most predatory microtransactions that I have ever seen. A great example are shrines. As you beat levels you get a certain in-game currency that is used to fill up shrines. Once you finally fill one you can PAY REAL MONEY to open it and get whatever is hidden inside (I did not pay). So yeah, you grind to earn the opportunity to spend money. And there are CONSTANT pop-ups to spend $5 or $10 or $50 for some item or other.

Screenshot of Gems of War taken around easter when the skulls have bunny ears
On the plus side, the skulls got bunny ears for Easter, so that was fun.
Screenshot from Gems of War prompting a $49.99 add-on purchase
On the negative side, about every 3rd screen you’ll see is something like this. I don’t think we can call these micro-transactions any more!

Then I tried Puzzle Quest 3, a much-maligned game just because folks enjoyed PQ1 & 2 and both those games used that old-fashioned “buy it & then play it” commerce model rather than being free-to-play microtransaction farms. I haven’t played as much PQ3 but so far it doesn’t seem quite as awful as Gems of War in terms of trying to pry open your wallet. It also has an interesting mechanic (I don’t recall if this was in the earlier games) where you make 3 (or more based on buffs) gem moves before anything happens. So you set up your moves, then gems go poof, then the enemy does the same thing. Otherwise same basic principles apply. Gems give you mana to cast spells, and skulls cause direct damage. Erm, which is how Gems of War works…I guess I didn’t mention that, did I?

Screenshot of the character sheet from Puzzle Quest 3
Puzzle Quest 3 feels a little more RPG-ish than Gems of War. For example here is a character sheet which feels like it could be from any rpg.

I also looked around on Apple Arcade for a good match-3 game that didn’t have microtransactions but by the time I got around to doing that I was reaching a point of Match-3 satiety so I didn’t get too far there. I havent’t tried it yet but from what I’ve read you can sync Puzzle Quest 3 progress between Xbox, PC and Mobile (but not Playstation cuz Sony) so maybe I’ll just go with that.

And then on March 28th Diablo IV hit Game Pass so I’ve been playing that, but since it’s just been a couple days I don’t have much to say beyond that I’m having fun so far. I’m also kind of obsessed with the look of my character, Petra (the header image for this post) named after the character in Horizon Forbidden West, not the character in Destiny 2. Not that it matters!

And that is all the gaming I’ve done! I didn’t even play Snowrunner this month! *gasp!*


Not a lot here either

Constellation (Apple TV+) has a slow burn sciencey-ghosty story. I have to admit we almost bailed after like 2 episodes but we wound up sticking with it and it got pretty compelling. But if you’re a “it has to hook me in the first half hour” kind of viewer, don’t bother. Also it has such a generic name that I always have to Google to double check I have it right.

Halo Season 2 (Paramount+) was really good this season, we thought. Apparently Paramount is about to fall apart so I dunno if we’ll get a 3rd season or not, but I hope we do!

And that’s it for new(ish) stuff. We’re now re-watching S1 of Sweettooth (Netflix) because at some point a 2nd season came out and a 3rd and final has been announced, but we’d both forgotten everything about the show so are doing a full re-watch. It’s about a kid who is like 80% human, 20% deer, hanging out with an ex-football player in a post-apocalyptic world. Yeah, it’s weird, but pretty good.

Other than that I’m watching a lot of football [soccer] what with the EPL closing in on the end of its season and MLS and NWSL both just starting. Watching a lot of football [soccer] has me for the first time wondering why we Americans assign the name ‘football’ to a sport where the (non-spherical) ball is more often carried or thrown rather than kicked. Sometimes I consider using futball for the kick-the-ball sport and football for the NFL sport, but then that makes me seem like I’m posing as a European or something.

New Toy Segment

Oh and tangential to what we’re watching… I decided to buy an Apple TV. We’d been using a Google TV w/Chromecast streaming device and it worked well, but a few things aligned. First, for some reason Halo on Paramount+ on the GTV stuttered a lot. As weird as this sounds I found other reports of this specific show (and one other, which I’ve forgotten) on this specific service streaming on this specific device, stuttering. So it wasn’t just us. Second, I discovered there’s a free service called NWSL+ that lets you stream replays of all (I think?) the NWSL games, but the app isn’t available on Android devices, but it is on iOS devices. Third, the GTV was full and I kept having to remove apps to install new ones (there are work-arounds for this involving external USB storage), and fourth, I just was having that “Need a new toy” itch.

So I bought the biggest, fanciest Apple TV 4K with 128 GB of storage and an ethernet port. @partpurple was dubious; this thing is stupid-expensive ($149) compared to the GTV 4K ($50) but it turns out, I was right for once. It is super snappy to use and we both swear content looks better. Maybe this is observational bias or maybe I had something set wrong with the GTV, but we’re both pretty happy with the purchase so far.


Slowing working through Blood of Elves by Andrzej Sapkowski (it’s one of The Witcher novels) but mostly just while I’m out walking the dog and she decides to flop down in a patch of grass for a while.

And that’s the recap for this month! Guess it was longer than I expected. I just talk too much.

February 2024

This month I’m more or less taking a break from doing a proper recap. It has been a crummy month and I haven’t been taking notes or many screenshots so this isn’t going to be much more than an overly verbose list of what I’ve been playing. I just don’t want to skip a recap because if I skip one, I might skip two, or three, or never get back to them.


Hardspace: Shipbreaker — I wound up completing this one and even after taking my time, I still kind of wanted more. Very unique game about breaking up old space ships, ideally without breaking up yourself in the process. You’re in zero g in your space suit with various tools of destruction at hand. I even kept playing for a bit after the final credits and it is still installed. I may keep poking at it once in a while.

Shipbreaker screenshot of the termination agreement from Lynx Corporation

Horizon Forbidden West — Still plugging away at Alloy’s latest adventure. Too many distractions though and god this game just goes on forever and ever. I should maybe stop doing side quests and just push the story forward…if I could remember the story.

Snowrunner — I dunno when, or if, this one will leave the list! It is still my go-to “chill” game for when I’m feeling low energy.

No Man’s Sky — The Omega Expedition hit and it was intended as a way to introduce or re-introduce, as the case may be, the various gameplay loops of No Man’s Sky. I started yet another new save and played through it. First time I’ve completed an Expedition, but by the time I was done I’d had enough of No Man’s Sky for the time being.

Persona 3 Reload — I went hard at this for a couple days after the leak debacle, loved it, then got distracted. Really would like to get back to it.

Skull & Bones — Unlike the rest of the Internet, I love this game. Even wrote a post about it.

Helldivers 2 — Unlike the rest of the Internet, I don’t like this game much. Buyer’s remorse over this one. To be fair, the fault here is mine. It isn’t billed as anything other than a co-op game but after seeing a YouTube video on “Tips for playing Helldivers 2 solo” I got it in my head that I could play it solo. And while technically you can, there’s a bit of luck involved in getting a game session to yourself, and then it is NOT balanced for solo play.

Survivalboxes — I bought 3 PC survivalbox games in the past 5 weeks: Palworld, Enshrouded and Nightingale. Then never played any of them much. FOMO was getting at me big time. I need to stop that; I don’t have piles of cash laying around to spend on games I’m not playing. But I do WANT to play all of these so it’s not really a buyer’s remorse situation. Just I need to be more frugal.

The NPC Puck from Nightgale

Dead Island 2 — This hit Game Pass and I figured what the heck, let’s give it a go. And y’know, it was OK. Super gory, super cheesy and often fairly funny. They lean into the fact that it takes place in Hollywood, with all its unique (and wealthy) personalities. And here’s a thing: It has Alexa Voice Commands built in, and they work pretty well. You can say “Select my best weapon” and poof, your best weapon is at hand. The only real issue with Dead Island 2 is that it came to Game Pass right about the time that Dying Light 2 got a big update that added guns to the game which led me to…

Screenshot from Dead Island 2 showing globs of blood in the air from hitting a zombie, which is almost off-screen. Trying to keep the post from being too gross
I’m sure it’s just ketchup!

Dying Light 2 — I wanted to check out the guns update, but couldn’t remember how to play. So I started a new game and it kind of stuck… so now I’m playing Dying Light 2, I guess. I tried to split my time between this and Dead Island 2 but my brain got too confused and I kept trying to use the controls on one game while playing the other game. πŸ™‚

Let me compare and contrast Dead Island 2 and Dying Light 2 for you. DI2 has more of a sense of humor and feels generally “lighter” (at least in the start) than Dying Light 2. (Though both games are incredibly gory so “light” is used relatively here.) DI2 doesn’t have the intense parkour system (which can cause motion sickness in some people, including me if I don’t stay in practice) that DY2 has. DI2 lets you pick from a few pre-made characters with different abilities, while in DL2 you always play a dude named Aidan. DI2 has a shared stash so you can trade gear between characters if you want to run an alt. The parkour stuff is the biggest different. If you wanted to play a zombie bashing game but Dying Light 2 made you queasy due to its first person parkour, Dead Island 2 might be of interest.


Fall of the House of Usher (Netflix) — We’d started this last month, when I was a bit concerned about how much time was spent on the sexual depravities of the various Usher family members. I said then that I hoped we’d get past that soon, and in fact we did. We liked this series more and more as it went on and the mystery became more clear. It’s only 8 episodes and is a complete story with no loose ends or dangling bits for them to tie a season 2 onto. It was creepy, gory, and overall, a lot of fun.

Bodies (Netflix) — Murder mystery with a time travel twist! This is a mini-series (that’s what we used to call ’em anyway) about a body that keeps showing up in a particular alley in London, about every 51 years, and the various detectives who investigate it. We went into this one pretty much blind and were delighted. We really enjoyed it, but it does mess with your head a good bit. There were points where we were like “I have no idea what is happening, but I love it!”

Halo 2, Season 2 (Paramount+) — This one is still on-going and I sorta wish we’d gone back to re-watch S1 again. But so far, so good.

Ghosts, Season…3? (Paramount+) — We don’t watch a lot of comedy shows, but this one keeps us entertained.

Attack on Titan (Crunchyroll) — I dunno why I got it in my head to watch this show. I’d watched S1 back when it was the hot new thing and found it vaguely disturbing. But with it being finished I went back to S1 and watched all 4 seasons and I guess I’m glad I did…I think? It was this weird situation where I didn’t really like it, but I was curious enough about WTF was happening that I kept pushing forward. But man, it has been a long time since I watched a show with such a large cast of characters, all of whom were completely unlikable to me. Usually if I watch 4 seasons of a show like this I’m a little sad when it ends because there’re a least a couple of characters that I’ll miss. But not here!

I struggled more and more as we got closer to the end. I don’t want to go into why for fear of spoilers. Maybe I’ll do a little post about it. But overall, really glad to be done with it and would never, ever watch it again. I did like the world building and the mystery of the titans quite a bit, but I felt like overall the show moved really slowly and I hated most of the characters. I think maybe we were supposed to hate them. I think the overall message was “Humans are awful and the planet would be better off without them.” Cheerful stuff!


No Reading to speak of this month.

So that’s February and good riddance. Hoping March will be better. Think it will be, but I don’t want to jinx things!!

January 2024

Happy End of January for those who celebrate it. I’m never very happy about any month ending that gets me CLOSER to summer heat. Hell as I’m writing this it’s already warm enough I’m contemplating turning on the A/C. In freakin’ January. [Update: We DID have to turn it on as it was 75F in our bedroom and neither of us can sleep when it’s that warm. Since then it has cooled back down some.]

But before I amble too far down the “humans are destroying the planet” lane, let’s talk about games. I’m still deep in the rebound after finishing a couple of long games in early December. If y’all remember I was trying to stick to a small selection of titles until I finished them all. I made it to finishing two of them, then kind of exploded and that explosion continues. I played way too many games this month to list them all so I’ll just select some of the highlights.


Horizon Forbidden West – I loved Horizon Zero Dawn and have played through it twice (replaying a game is something that I very rarely do) but for some reason had bounced off Horizon Forbidden West twice before this new attempt. Well I say “for some reason” but bounce #1 was because when I first started playing I couldn’t remember who any of the returning characters were, which elicited that replay of Horizon Zero Dawn I mentioned. And by the time I’d put 100 hours into that replay I was just kind of tired of bows and mechanical beasts and needed a break. But for bounce #2, I just sort of drifted off.
Alloy crouches in grass while scanning a machine

This time, I’m determined to finish and I’m much farther in than I’ve been before. And while I’m enjoying it, I’m not enjoying it as much as I did the first game. Not sure why…might be a case of more being less. I don’t remember HZD being this expansive and I just tend to lose focus among all the points of interest and side activities. I am also not finding the loot system all that compelling and machines respawn REALLY quickly which can be tedious if you’re trying to explore an area. You barely get the spot to yourself and the darned machines respawn. Last in my grumping, the combat system seems way more focused on matching elemental damage to elemental parts of the machine you’re fighting, which means you need to haul around a truck load of weapons so you have the right kind for each machine you encounter. I refuse to do that, so fights tend to be really lengthy for me.

Like I say, I AM enjoying it but I am not feeling compelled to play every single day in the same way I was for HZD. That in turn kind of dilutes the story since it can be weeks (real time) between story beats and I lose interest in the narrative. Interestingly, I had a very similiar experience with Red Dead Redemption (which I positively ADORED) and Red Dead Redemption 2 (which I bounced off of and never finished). Maybe I should just start avoiding sequels.

Hardlight: Shipbreaker – I talked about this one last month but I’m still trucking along and still enjoying myself. The in-game work shifts last 15 minutes which makes it a good game to play before dinner or something. A long session for me is maybe 3 shifts, then it starts to feel a little repetitive, but by the next day I’m ready for more. I just find it really fun to scan a ship and figure out the most efficient and safest way to get it to break apart. I am not sure I’ll finish it, but I’m still going to keep playing for now.

Here’s a recording of a single shift:

Nobody Saves The World – This is a 2D action game where you roam around an overworld looking for dungeons to clear. The twist is that you start as a very generic hollow-eyed nobody, and as you play you unlock new “forms” that you can morph into. Each form has unique attacks, and they’re very diverse. I’ve been a rat, a knight, a ranger, a slug and a horse (among others). It starts pretty simple but eventually you unlock the ability to mix and match skills and damage types (certain enemies are only vulnerable to specific damage types). It’s a highly rated game and I enjoyed it for a while, but I may be done now.

Combat example from Nobody Saves the World. I am playing as a slug.

This is a case of “It’s not you (the game), it’s me.” I generally am not a fan of 2D cartoony action games so the fact I’ve played as much as I have says something about the quality of the title. Plus the art style, which I don’t know the name of, but it’s that deliberately low-fi style that is popular in adult animation today, is not really my thing. Still for a game I got on PS Plus, I got maybe 7 hours of fun out of it. Not going to force myself to keep playing, though.

Snowrunner – I pulled back a bit from Snowrunner for a while, but towards the end of the month I started getting back into it. Last I looked I was at 125 hours or so and FINALLY finished the first area. Or as much of it as I plan to finish. Each map has 1 or more “Contests” that are time-based and the LAST thing I want to do in Snowrunner is feel rushed. The whole vibe of the game is slow and chill, at least for me. What caused my interest to wane were some logging contracts which just got tedious as I had to haul several loads of heavy logs (which means I was going slow, even by Snowrunner standards) along the same route. I’ve since learned there’s a better way to do this but I just got bored doing those contracts and kind of drifted away. But finally done, I’ve left Michigan behind and have moved on to Alaska where there is actually SNOW!

Palworld – I caught the bug like 7 million other people. I have never played a Pokemon game but so far I’m enjoying Palworld, which seems to me like some twisted parody of Pokemon. There’s a million people talking about this game so I won’t spend a lot of time on it, but just know that this is a game where you bludgeon cute creatures into submission, make them work for you, and maybe decide “Eh, what the hell, I’ll just eat them.”

Enshrouded – About a day after Palworld hit Early Access, Enshrouded did as well. This is another survivalbox game and I need to buy two of these at once like I needed another hole in my head, but the voxel-based building system grabbed me. My immediate reaction to it has been pretty positive and I’m looking forward to seeing how the game evolves as it moves through Early Access.

I haven’t spend a ton of time with either of these last two because, as is typical of me, no sooner did I purchase them than something else grabbed my attention (this time, it was going back to Horizon Forbidden West).


Apple TV+: Monarch: Legacy of Monsters S1 and For All Mankind S4 both finished this month and we enjoyed them both. If you’re a Godzilla fan you gotta watch Legacy, and For All Mankind covers the Space Race if it had played out very differently and never ended. In the fiction of For All Mankind we’re now at something like 2010 and we already have a permanent base on Mars.

Disney+: Echo is a ‘street level hero’ Marvel show that we went into with pretty modest expectations but wound up really loving. The main character, Maya, is a member of the Choctaw tribe, and is deaf, and the show kind of explores both those facets or her life in a very interesting way. She was also raised by Wilson Fisk to be one of his main henchpeople, and she is a total badass. It’s short (only 5 episodes) which I think was a good call as every episode feels significant. Really a good show.

Netflix: The Fall of the House of Usher was a show I wanted to watch last Halloween but never got around to it. We’re not very far into it but so far it’s delightfully creepy. My only real complaint is a bit too much emphasis on the sexual appetites of each of the filthy rich Usher family members. Everyone seems to be coercing (seemingly, at least…I suppose some of them may be willing) some underling into being a sex partner. Hopefully now that the show runners have made their point we can move on and focus on the spooky stuff.


Slowly making my way through The Sword of Destiny, one of the Witcher books. But really not doing a lot of reading lately.


I dunno where this fits, but I suddenly developed in interest in how videos are made. Maybe it was watching a YouTuber recap a ‘season’ of his videos and talking about all the things he needed to learn to make them. But I’ve been started to noodle around with this in the tinest way. I’ve embedded a couple of clips in the post, just for laughs.

And those are January’s highlights. I’m looking forward to the Persona 3 Remake hitting on February 2nd and plan to jump into that big time. Not far behind that are a few more titles that I’m really interested in: Pacific Drive and Dragon’s Dogma 2. I’ll probably give DD2 some time to age before I jump in, but Pacific Drive might be a day 1 purchase for me. We’ll see. I’m juggling a LOT of games lately!

Hope your January was amazing, and that your February is even better!!