Holiday weekend recap: Still a little baffled by Shadow of Mordor

Even though I had a 3-day weekend thanks to the New Year, I didn’t do a ton of gaming this weekend. Instead I watched a lot of TV. Football for one thing, and after a long and idea-filled thread at Imzy, I started in on a new (to me) anime, Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash, which I’m enjoying so far.

Next week we’re canceling cable so I signed us up for Playstation Vue, and I’ve been messing around with that a lot. I find the interface is taking some getting used to, but overall we’re fairly pleased so far. Anyway in the course of messing about I started watching Booze Traveler on the Travel Channel and got inexplicably hooked. It’s about some townie from Boston who travels around the world sampling various alcoholic beverages while taking in the local culture. I like booze so I’m interested in that aspect, and it’s fun to see the places he travels to. It’s much better of a show than I expected it to be.

I also watched Tiny Fey, Margot Robbie and Martin Freeman in Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, based on the true story of journalist Kim Baker’s time in Afghanistan. I enjoyed that very much, and I was delighted to find it on Hulu. Since when does Hulu get recent movies?

Beyond that, we’re working our way through the DC superhero shows on Netflix. So yeah, lots of TV.

I did start up Diablo 3 again. After one session on the launch PS4, I installed it on the PS4 Pro. It hasn’t been patched to take advantage of the Pro’s extra horsepower, but it runs much quieter on that system. It’s one of those games that makes the fans on the launch PS4 start to scream in protest.

I’m playing D3 as a barbarian on Hard mode and it is still ridiculously easy, at least for the parts I’ve played (I’m in Chapter 2). And so much loot. Too much, really. As a natural pack-rat I can’t just leave stuff laying in the dirt, so I’m constantly heading back to town, trying not to be overwhelmed by all the choices I have, and feeding most of the stuff to the Salvage yard. Honestly I get bored playing D3 pretty quickly, which makes me sad since I loved both Diablo and Diablo 2 back in the day.

The other thing I played was Shadow of Mordor and man I’m confused by some of the choices the devs made in that game. Don’t get me wrong, I’m having a blast playing but I feel like the more you struggle, the harder it gets, and vice versa. I haven’t really been focusing on the “main quests” but have been roaming around the world collecting things, doing side quests and slaying lots of orcs. There are these “Conflicts” on the map that tutorial text told me were struggles between orc captains and that if I didn’t break them up, one of the orc captains would win and grow stronger. This wasn’t happening for me. I also had a bunch of skill points I couldn’t spend because I wasn’t powerful enough.

Then finally, I died. And when I did it was like time moved forward. The conflicts got resolved and some of the Captains got stronger. I also gained power somehow, which unlocked the next tier of abilities. Seemed odd that my death resulted in enemies getting stronger. Then I died again shortly thereafter (when a cave troll noticed me hiding in some bushes) and more conflicts got resolved and more Captains got stronger.

I wrote a while ago about how Shadow of Mordor seemed much easier this time around and now I think the reason is that I’m moving cautiously, gaining power while not dying much, so the orcs aren’t getting more powerful.

I’m really enjoying it though. I’ve started playing this game a few times before and it never ‘stuck’ for some reason, but this time it sure is. Even more so now that I’ve encountered this old villain:

January Gaming Goals

I’m stealing this idea of monthly gaming goals to see how well it sits with me. I got the idea from Aywren so hat tip to her! She says she borrowed it from another blogger so thanks also to whomever originated the idea. Basically I see it as a way to give myself some guidance through those “I dunno what to play” phases we all seem to go through.

So in January:

1) Get the last Achievement in Microsoft Solitaire! Seriously, I have ONE left and dammit I want to get 100% on this game!

2) Keep going with my weekly Fairy Fencer F and No Man’s Sky gaming sessions. I don’t expect to finish either though, I just want to keep making progress.

3) FINALLY finish the Diablo 3 campaign. Believe it or not, I’ve never finished Diablo 3 and with “Seasons” coming to console in 2017 I want to be ready for them which, to my brain for some reason, means having finished the storyline

4) Play the heck out of the For Honor beta. I played in the alpha of For Honor and enjoyed it. I want to play a lot of the beta when it comes out to see if I want the full game (which, as a primarily MP title, I’d get at launch). I played the Battlefield 1 beta a little bit, enjoyed it, then bought the full game and played for like a week before moving on. In retrospect I wish I’d spent more time in the beta because had I, I might have realized it wasn’t a game I’d stick with for long. I don’t want to repeat of that; I need to get deep into the game to see if it’ll stick with me.

5) And heck now that I mentioned it, let’s throw “Play some Battlefield 1 matches” onto the list. Maybe I’ll get hooked again.