Dragon Age: Origins — The City of Denerim

More teases from Bioware about the upcoming Dragon Age: Origins. This time we’re looking at Denerim, the capital of Ferelden and a place that will figure prominently in your adventures.

Denerim is an ancient coastal city that got its start as a Mage Tower (now used as a fort). Over the years the city sprang up around the tower, but space was limited by the surrounding cliffs and mountains, so Denerim is now a densely populated place with various districts, including the labyrinthine docks and the Elven Alienage (remember, elves are 2nd class citizens in Dragon Age and so are kept segregated from the rest of the populace). In the Palace District is the Birth Rock, a memorial honoring the prophetess Andraste, who was born in Denerim.

I encourage you to watch this one in full screen, HD mode:

Here’re a few still shots to give a bit more detail:

More Dragon Age goodness

Bioware released another handful of screenshots from their upcoming RPG Dragon Age: Origins. The one that interested me most showed the UI and what gameplay is probably going to look like most of the time. Very evocative of loved Bioware games of the past.

Click to enlarge:

Can’t wait to get my hands on this one.

The rest of the shots are just full of pretty, so I’m just going to offer them as a gallery for your enjoyment. Just a bit over a month to go! (Click to see full images!)

Dragon Age: Origins – The Music

If you’re anything like me, some of the early Dragon Age trailers has music that felt a bit off-putting. I, at least, just don’t want Marilyn Manson in my fantasy RPGs.

Fear not. Giant Bomb ran a video today talking about the music and the score in Dragon Age: Origins. Take a lot and have a listen. Of course, if you were super-stoked for the Marilyn Manson stuff, you’re gonna be disappointed!

Dragon Age: Origins — The Assassin

One of the single player games I’m very much looking forward to is Dragon Age: Origins. I know I’m not alone in my anticipation, so I’m delighted to share some new video and screenshots of the game. With a bit of luck this will be the first in a series of posts about Dragon Age: Origins, running up to release on November 3, 2009.

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In the world of Dragon Age: Origins, Bioware’s upcoming RPG, elves don’t have things easy. Contrary to the stereotypical portrayal of mystical enlightening beings, the elves in Dragon Age are oppressed, second class citizens.

So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that one of the members of the Antivan Crows, “the most infamous guild of thieves and assassins in all of Thedra”, is an elf. Zevran the Assassin is one of the characters you’ll be spending time with in Dragon Age: Origins:

Bioware is crafting an RPG with a very dark, adult feel to it. Hand to hand combat is a messy business, and it shows.

Here’re some shots of a couple of the monsters you’ll be fighing: an ogre and a sloth demon.

Related post: My review of Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne (a prequel novel)