This is going to be one of those posts that is of more interest to my future self than to my current audience, so unless you’re really interested in how my mind works and how I excel at self-sabotage, you might want to read something more interesting! Like the phone book. If phone books were still a thing.
Anyway, I’ve been REALLY enjoying Guild Wars 2 for the past month or so. I’d started a new character and had been leveling her up and doing the basic “My Story” questline, while learning how to play the game. It had been going really well and I’d been looking forward to that part of the day when I could sit down and play, and I NEVER felt like I had as much time to play as I wanted. Last night was no exception. I couldn’t wait to log in!
Then, like a light switch being thrown, everything changed. I was playing through the story quests and realized I was feeling bored and started feeling the itch to play something else. It was the eve of a new expansion launch when a lot of folks in my circles were back to being hyped about Guild Wars 2. So why was I suddenly not? So me being me, I turned my gaze inward and tried to figure out why.
First theory was just me being contrary. Everyone else liked GW2 so I was going to not like it. I discarded this theory pretty quickly because the hype around the expansion wasn’t at the kind of levels that would trigger that reaction, and I’ve more or less grown out of that mentality anyway. Y’know the “I liked them before they were popular, so now that they are popular I’ll go find something else to like” mindset. We invented that mindset in record stores in the late 60s and early 70s, I think.
Second theory was the lack of dopamine. I’d hit the level cap of 80. For a good while I was pretty sure this was the issue. I LOVE leveling characters and that rush when you get that level up DING! That part of the GW2 journey was over for me. But the more I thought about it, the less I thought this was what was bothering me, for two reasons. First is that I’ve been playing a LOT of Fallout 76 way, way after hitting the level cap of 50 and I really think FO76 has taught me to love the end game. Plus, as in FO76, you do keep earning experience in Guild Wars 2 after 80, it just isn’t used for levels any more. But I hadn’t really been filling the experience bar anyway so even if the level cap had been 90, nothing really would have been different.
So finally I came up with theory number three, and its the one I’m sticking with. I wasn’t pacing myself and the game wasn’t pacing me. In case you’ve never played, in vanilla Guild Wars 2 your story quests unlock based on your level. So you get the first part at level 10, the next part at level 20, and so on. Between those unlocks you have to go out and do random things to earn levels to get to where you unlock the next quest. That forces you to vary your gameplay. Once I hit 80 there was nothing forcing me to mix things up and I was just going from story quest to story quest and doing nothing else. I was determined to finish it and I felt like the ending was close, so I was going to focus 100% on these quests. And THAT was my mistake and what ‘broke’ the game for me.
It’s not that the story quests are bad or anything, but variety is what tends to keep me interested in things. I didn’t stop to go do crafting, or to go explore new regions. Prior to level 80 I was making it a point to walk from place to place just to see what adventures and events I’d come across. Now I was teleporting, as much as possible, to the next story quest marker as efficiently as possible. I was making a point of going AROUND events rather than jumping in! And THAT was why I was getting bored.
What I need to do is stop trying to rush the story and just mix things up and enjoy ALL that the game has to offer. I’m pretty sure if I do that, the fun will return. There’s a ton of things to do in this game and to focus on just one is frankly kind of silly. So yeah, I gotta mix things up, relax and enjoy the journey. And also figure out how to get better gear. I kind of thought that would be from doing the story but so far that hasn’t been the case. But that’s a whole other topic. One that I’ve now watched YouTube videos about!
Tonight’s gaming time will probably be occupied by watching a replay of Gamescom Opening Night since my silly job expects me to work and attend meetings while that show is live. So that might be a nice break, and tomorrow, I hope, I can return to Guild Wars 2 refreshed and with a new outlook. I’m going back to exploring and taking part in open world events and slowing down on the story quests.
See? Told you it was going to be a boring post!