
So I’m doing things a bit differently tonight. I’m writing this update *before* I work on the novel. I have no idea how many words I’ll manage tonight.

Today was one of the worst days at work I’ve had in…jesus, a very long time. It was long, tiring, frustrating and in the end not very productive. I re-affirmed my boss’s opinion of me that I am a problem employee, which will lead to more angst down the road (of course when I’m unemployed I’ll have a lot more time for writing). Mind you, all I was doing was trying with every fiber of my being to prevent us from making what I felt in my soul was a disasterous mistake. I should take a cue from my fellow workers and just keep quiet, let the mistakes happen and then clean up the mess.

Anyway, on the way home I bought all the fixings for some kick-ass margaritas. Dinner is made and waiting in the fridge (a cold salad). Its 8:30 already so if I don’t write now, I never will.

Time to ignore the rumbling belly and the siren call of tequila, and get writing.

Feelin’ grooovy!

Hello lamp post, whatcha knowin?

Um, anyway. This whole NaNo thing is feeling do-able tonight. I had a nice writing session that felt really, really good. I got comfortably past my goal of 2000 words/day, but the important thing is that I really enjoyed myself.

I got the whole “flow” thing happening. It wuz teh roxx0rzz!!11!

This is the easy week?

So starting this NaNoNovel has been harder than I thought. Maybe if I had an outline it would’ve been easier.

What scares me is that people say the first week is easy, the second week hard.

I’m finding that I need to have things taken care of before I can really settle in. Dinner dishes washed, cat fed, all that kind of thing.

Things were picking up steam as I finished, though. Maybe tomorrow will be easier.

A plot?

With November 1st quickly drawing near, I’ve been starting to panic about a plot for my NaNoNovel. This morning, something hit me that is, at least, a vague outline of what might be a plot. I need to identify the key character and figure out what the conflicts and change will be. But I have a few days to outline this stuff before the writing begins…


OK, this place has languished for far too long. I keep meaning to get back to it, but feel guilty for owing an email to this person or that person. So I need to make this a priority or else it’ll just sit forever.

(OK, so maybe this was prompted by my getting the bill for the next year’s hosting.)

Anyway, big project coming up: NaNoWriMo, and I’m going to give it a go. I’ll be tracking my progress here, which may not be exactly riveting reading but its important to me!

So soon…it all begins!