May 2024

My Fallout 76 character strikes a heroic pose in what looks like an old diner server's uniform

Well this will for-sure be the shortest recap post I’ve ever had. Why? Because I almost literally played 1 game for the entire month. Aside from popping in to a few others for 5-10 minutes here and there to get a daily achievement or something, it was a monogamous month.


Fallout 76 — Like so many others, I really enjoyed the Fallout TV show and caught Fallout Fever from it. I decided to give Fallout 76 another chance and boy howdy did it ever stick. I created a new character, one that is now level 125 or thereabouts. I completed the Season Pass. I’m nearly done with the main story quest lines in spite of trying to savor them over time. I’ve learned about builds and gear and mutations and the world and the more I learn, the more fun I have. It really deserves its own post or series of posts, so I’ll leave off for now. But yeah, the only game I played for any length of time this month was Fallout 76.

Fallout 76 character paying respects to a child's grave
Fallout 76 can be both silly as heck, as shown in the picture at the top of this post, and very sad, as when you find this grave of a child behind an NPC’s camp.


Renegade Nell (Disney+) was pretty enjoyable. Not a must-watch but it was OK. It was a lot darker than I expected it to be. Basically it’s about a highwaywoman who has on again, off again superpowers due to a sprite or pixie or something. Swords and flintlocks and girl power. What’s not to like?

The Dead Boy Detectives (Netflix) was quite good. It is based on, I believe, a Neil Gaimon graphic novel series and (guessing even harder) I think it takes place in the Sandman universe. A couple of British ghosts wind up in Washington State (?) helping other ghosts move on while fighting a witch and dodging the afterlife bureaucracy that is hunting them to send them back to where THEY belong. They are accompanied by a few living friends who can see them. I LOVED Brianna Cuoco (sister of Kaley, of Big Bang Theory fame) as the resident adult and goth butcher shop owner who rents them all rooms.

Star Trek Discovery (Paramount+) continues to underwhelm me. In fact we kind of drifted away and need to make a point to go back and finish it as some point.


The summer heat is back and that means less time lounging outside reading. I’m in the midst of Baptism of Fire, the next Witcher novel, but haven’t finished it yet.

And that’s it! Short May recap but I am doing a TON of gaming, it’s just all been in Fallout 76!

4 thoughts on “May 2024

  1. I have Dead boy Detectives in my watch list. I’m not a fan of Neil Gaiman but the premise looks good and adaptations tend to remove a lot of the taint of writers I don’t like, anyway.

    I see there’s been some kickback against Netflix for showing Dead Boy Detectives (Originally commissioned by HBO) when they cancelled the extremely similar Lockwood & Co. I commented on the very obvious similarities between the two when I posted about L&Co. I had already seen the Dead Boys in their guest appearance in Doom Patrol and it would have been very hard not to notice the numerous similarities between the two properties. I’m not sure which appeard in print first.

    1. Yup, it did feel very similar, but I think you have to give Netflix more credit. I’m sure they will cancel Dead Boy Detectives, too!

      1. I ended up giving Dead Boys Detectives a try largely because it was set in the same universe as the Sandman (your guess here is correct. :))

        And I liked it a lot more than I thought I would! Although same was true for Lockwood as well. I think I just have a mild mental block when it comes to YA content in any media… But once break though that; can often enjoy it regardless. xD

        1. It was actually a little less YA-ish than I thought it would be, which for me was a plus. I do get a little tired of every fantasy/paranormal show being about characters under 20, I have to admit. 🙂

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