The “Back to WoW 2024 Journal” Part 3 Addendum

Before I run out of weekend I just wanted to post a really quick update to my last WoW Journal post. No sooner had I posted that than I logged into WoW and turned in a quest (I’d already completed the work but I sometimes like to quit just before a quest turn-in to get that boost when I start my next section) and it turns out it was the last quest of the main campaign.

So Dragonflight is completed though I’m guessing maybe there is a Raid or something to put the absolute final period to it because the Dragon Queen mentioned there was one more rock to be activated but didn’t ask me to help.

Anyway with the quest line completed WoW now unlocks something they call Adventure Mode which as far as I can tell is similar to what classic used to be. You are now free to move about the cabin. World quests unlock, faction quests/collecting seems to unlock. It’s now a matter of going out and doing what you want.

I pretty much IMMEDIATELY started having more fun. Did some world quests, did a Follower Dungeon (which I love and which maybe deserve their own post) and did some “little guy” quests which I often find fun and charming. At the top of this post is a screenshot from the last quest I did this weekend. These two little Tuskarr (walrus-people) kids are trying to befriend a lost, starving gnoll pup and they needed some fish to befriend him with. So I went fishing. And the gnoll cub got a new home. Hope that all works out for them.

But I enjoy these kinds of street-level heroics.

Anyway, that’s it. Just wanted to say that for me at least, WoW gets WAY more interesting once you finish the campaign. I’ve got about 15 levels to get through before I can move on but I suspect they’ll go quick. I made I think 5 since I posted earlier today.

2 thoughts on “The “Back to WoW 2024 Journal” Part 3 Addendum

  1. I totally get *why* they push players to do the main quest at least once, but for us alt-olics, Adventure Mode is a godsend. They’ve finally worked out most of the kinks – those “main story” quests are still there and you can do them on other characters, but there’s also so much else to do as well.

    I just wrapped up this expansions “Loremaster” achievements, which means I’ve now found all of the major side stories on one character or another (love love love that that is also account wide now), and I think I’m with you – the smaller quests where you’re not saving the world are often as good or better than the overarching story.

    Glad you’re enjoying yourself again!

    1. I guess this is just the Blizzard DNA at work because Diablo kind of does the same thing, and just like in WoW once you finish the campaign the game opens up and gets much more interesting. Anyway once I get to TWW at least I’ll know, if I find the campaign a bit of a slog, that better days are coming. 🙂

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