» LOTRO: 64-Bit Server Migration Part 4
03/13/25 22:42 (8 hours ago) from Blog - Contains Moderate Peril
It has not been a good week for the MMORPG, The Lord of the Rings Online and its developer Standing Stone Games. The migration from legac...
» Useless Musings on Virtual Tabletops
03/13/25 22:09 (8 hours ago) from Scopique
Adopting a VTT is not an insignificant decision, and I was questioning my loyalties this afternoon. Here's a random thought process to re...
» My Early Season 2 War Within Impressions – Keystone Master, Full Normal Raid, Underpin ? AND ??, and Delves
03/13/25 20:53 (9 hours ago) from Kaylriene
I’ve had a busy Season 2 of The War Within, diving headfirst into all the content. What do I mean? Well, in the first 9 days ofR...
» Nightingale City - I Guess It's Not Going Anywhere...
03/13/25 16:26 (14 hours ago) from Inventory Full
There was a big surprise for me in today's gaming news - the sudden appearance of Nightingale City . I knew it was in the works but with ...
» The First Stop on the Way to Mordor… The Bank
03/13/25 15:15 (15 hours ago) from The Ancient Gaming Noob
Didn’t I have a post last week that I opened up with something about not declaring goals for my play time? And yet, here I am decl...
» Game Night: CULTivate
03/13/25 12:04 (18 hours ago) from Chasing Dings!
This isn't a picture of the CULT-ivate board game. It's my cat, Midnight, helping me to play "The Plucky Squire". He was really getting i...
» Silo and 3%
03/12/25 23:34 (1 day ago) from JVT Workshop
» Season Launch
03/12/25 23:31 (1 day ago) from Going Commando | A SWTOR Fan Blog
» The Stars Reach Kickstarter Campaign Reaches Out to Boost Backer Count
03/12/25 15:15 (1 day ago) from The Ancient Gaming Noob
We are now well into the middle campaign doldrums where the initial days of big numbers are well in the rear view mirror and the last min...
» Second Looks Matter – Aloft
03/12/25 14:19 (1 day ago) from Scopique
The demo didn't do it for me, but because I have poor impulse control and more time than I apparently know what to do with, I gave this g...
» Hard Copy
03/12/25 13:25 (1 day ago) from Inventory Full
Given that I've been doing almost nothing else for the last few days, I guess it's time I posted something about the new toy I've cryptic...
» LOTRO: The week the game fell apart
03/12/25 13:00 (1 day ago) from Bio Break
The new LOTRO deed log is out and a lot of players aren’t having it — including myself. It’s a cleaner, more modern loo...
» Cobra Kai and Golden Kamuy 2
03/12/25 04:07 (2 days ago) from JVT Workshop
» Experimenting With YouTube Part 2
03/11/25 18:26 (2 days ago) from Blog - Contains Moderate Peril
I spent most of this morning and afternoon editing video content I captured while playing Sniper Elite Resistance. I assembled 26 minutes...
» The February 2025 EVE Online Monthly Economic Report
03/11/25 15:15 (2 days ago) from The Ancient Gaming Noob
As I noted last month, I am cutting back on what I post about the MER. All those tables, while generated for me in PowerBI, do take a bi...
» Malifaux: “New Crew” League, Week 1
03/11/25 12:00 (2 days ago) from Chasing Dings!
The local gaming store is running a league this spring for new players or for players who want to play a crew they've never played before...
» Behind the Frame and Them's Fightin' Herds
03/10/25 22:18 (3 days ago) from JVT Workshop
» Still Makin’ Them Pants
03/10/25 19:31 (3 days ago) from Scopique
Well, it's working, so here's my rundown of how. Was it worth it? I won't be able to answer that until the whole Vault is ready to use in...
» My Last Best Hope of Getting to Mordor
03/10/25 15:15 (3 days ago) from The Ancient Gaming Noob
Maybe more than any other title I post about on the blog, Lord of the Rings Online is a title that demonstrates the idea that I am most c...
» Sir Fluffykins And The Revival Of Interest
03/10/25 14:47 (3 days ago) from Inventory Full
I didn't do much gaming this weekend, thanks to fantastically addictive new toy but I did spend a couple of hours in EverQuest II on Satu...
» World of Warcraft: The Ballad of Johnny Awesome
03/10/25 13:00 (3 days ago) from Bio Break
I’ll admit that upon first glance, Undermine overwhelms the senses. It’s such a different kind of zone than we’re used ...
» How To Fail at Writing A Game in 7 Days
03/10/25 12:00 (3 days ago) from Chasing Dings!
Also, lots of Tunnels & Trolls-adjacent stuff. Related posts: 7DRL: Building an Engine — A Room 7DRL: Building an Engine ̵...
» The Project
03/10/25 11:25 (3 days ago) from Scopique
A short (mental) film about what happens when I lose sight of my original intent.
» LOTRO: 64-Bit Server Migration Part 3
03/09/25 23:45 (4 days ago) from Blog - Contains Moderate Peril
I’ve been busy this weekend, so it wasn’t until late afternoon today that I found time to sit down and attempt to migrate my characters f...
» Annihilation and Transformers: Rise of the Beasts
03/09/25 21:43 (4 days ago) from JVT Workshop
» Monster Hunter Wilds
03/09/25 18:55 (4 days ago) from Endgame Viable
I don’t know why I did it. I knew I was going to react to Monster Hunter Wilds in the exact same way that I did to Monster Hunter W...
» TAGN Fantasy Critic League 2025 – Week Nine See Scores Go Up
03/09/25 15:45 (4 days ago) from The Ancient Gaming Noob
We are now into week nine of the 2025 Fantasy Critic League… there is a long way to go, but we got some more games released this we...
» Bio Break Mix Tape: Holly Golightly, Chris Harvey, and more!
03/09/25 13:00 (4 days ago) from Bio Break
It’s the start of the week, so why not start it off right with some great tunes? Enjoy your latest Bio Break Mix Tape, a random collectio...
» CCP Hires an Economist to Try and Distract from EVE Frontier’s Blockchain Foundation
03/08/25 16:15 (5 days ago) from The Ancient Gaming Noob
EVE Online was a bit famous for a while because CCP brought in an economist to help managed the in-game economy. That was back in the &#...
» Y'all ever play Coin Master?
03/07/25 23:31 (6 days ago) from The Friendly Necromancer
Back when I was in the vidjagame industry, Coin Master was one of those games the mobile game team would look at and go . . . dang . . . ...
» Blue Notes
03/07/25 17:04 (6 days ago) from Inventory Full
It's been too long since the last one so here's a music post for Friday. For me, Saturday's the better day but this needs to get done and...
» Are We in 64-bit Mordor Yet?
03/07/25 15:15 (6 days ago) from The Ancient Gaming Noob
It has been a long week for Lord of the Rings Online and its 64-bit server project as things have not gone to plan… even if things ...
» LOTRO: Slicing and dicing in Ered Luin
03/07/25 14:00 (6 days ago) from Bio Break
I’m not exactly burned out on LOTRO at the moment, but I’ve felt a little toasty around the edges. So with Legacy of Morgoth ...
» Obsidian for TTRPG – Forms and Templates
03/06/25 20:32 (7 days ago) from Scopique
Why choose a simple solution when an all-day trial-and-error solution will do 100x worse!
» New Toys Vs Old Games
03/06/25 18:22 (7 days ago) from Inventory Full
There almost wasn't a post today because I've got a new toy and I can't stop playing with it. Two new toys, really. One's real, one's art...
» Grab Bag for the Week of March 2, 2025
03/06/25 12:59 (7 days ago) from Scopique
Discord Nitro, a Blender holiday, TTRPG organization with Obsidian, and my customary Star Citizen sign-off in this week's Grab Bag.
» The Pancake Adventure
03/06/25 02:04 (8 days ago) from JVT Workshop
» LOTRO: 64-Bit Server Migration Part 2
03/05/25 22:39 (8 days ago) from Blog - Contains Moderate Peril
Standing Stone Games were scheduled to open their new 64-bit servers for the MMORPG, The Lord of the Rings Online, today. However, when t...
» World of Warcraft: Going down Undermine
03/05/25 14:00 (8 days ago) from Bio Break
With Update 11.1 arriving, I spent the last few days in a flurry trying to get everyone ready. Mostly that meant getting off my butt and ...
» “YES”, the first cheat code.
03/05/25 12:52 (8 days ago) from Chasing Dings!
Is this blog post worth $3.50 to you? Related posts: ADVENT: Colossal Cave 3D Beyond Shadowgate: a classic reimagined. Games That Defined...
» It's Punk, Jim...
03/05/25 12:06 (8 days ago) from Inventory Full
And so we come to the final demo from the recent Next Fest . I won't say I've saved the best for last but it is the one I spent the longe...
» Elevation and The Mountain Between Us
03/05/25 05:06 (9 days ago) from JVT Workshop
» Catching up with Friendly -- March 2025 Edition
03/05/25 02:00 (9 days ago) from The Friendly Necromancer
Hey readers! Just thought I'd take a second to let you know what's up with me since life's been a little weird. I've got a few thoughts, ...
» Dark Hallway – Postmortem
03/04/25 18:36 (9 days ago) from Scopique
A project taken from a still image in an ad seen in a video.
» Money On The Table - The Stars Reach Kickstarter So Far
03/04/25 14:46 (9 days ago) from Inventory Full
I still have one more demo from the now-ended Next Fest to cover but I think I'll save that for another day. Time to catch up with what e...
» State of Play: USA aligns with Russia?
03/04/25 04:35 (10 days ago) from JVT Workshop
» LOTRO: 64-Bit Server Migration Part 1
03/03/25 18:38 (10 days ago) from Blog - Contains Moderate Peril
What Massively Overpowered calls LOTRO’s “Great Server Migration” began today. The MMORPG The Lord of the Rings Online has opened 4 new 6...
» Working For The Man (For A Given Value Of "Man")
03/03/25 14:28 (10 days ago) from Inventory Full
Four down, three to go. Time to double up and get this done. Well, almost done. These are two demos I admired more than enjoyed. One of t...
» Syp’s gaming goals for March 2025
03/03/25 14:00 (10 days ago) from Bio Break
February 2025 in review This shorter month was an acceptable if not especially notable one in the annals of Syp’s gaming history. I...
» Tunnels & Trolls: Sword for Hire
03/03/25 13:43 (10 days ago) from Chasing Dings!
I may be committing some light copyright infringement... Related posts: Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion printing project Game Night: Mahjong...
“So far I can’t think of any pure skill-based MMOs beyond UO”
Darkfall has no levels, it’s pure skill based (set to release in January 2009 in EU). They also have no classes per say. Any character is allowed to pick up any skill, and then they refine those skills by using them every day. They also have full looting, etc. Gear has very little meaning, it’s all about the skills. You have to learn skills for the most mundane things (like swimming) and boast of over 500 skills and 500 spells (separate) for characters to learn.
“So far I can’t think of any pure skill-based MMOs beyond UO”
Eve Online. Pure skill-based system. Never had classes and never, ever will.
Was star wars galaxies skill based? I remember it leaned in this direction some…
Near as I can tell, though, Darkfall is Ultima Online in 3D, nothing more, nothing new.
SWG used to be skills-based (I use the term “skills-based” because entirely too many people and devs interpret “skill-based” to mean player skill) though it did have classes, if I remember.
Many opponents of pure skills-based (or skill-tree, would that be better?) games say they lead to min/maxing and cookie-cutter builds. Research has shown that a large portion of the population tends to gravitate towards building the closes approximation of their favorite “class” that they can anyway, so why not just have classes? As far as min/maxing goes, can anyone tell me no one does that in a game with classes? There are no cookie-cutter builds in WoW? Seems to me (pre-TBC when I played and raided at least) that many guilds wouldn’t recruit you or take you along unless you had a specific min/maxed cookie-cutter build…
At the end of the day, min/maxing and cookie cutter builds are more an indication of players than anything else. Classes or skill-trees, if I’m a sheep with no imagination and I only do what someone else says is “the best” then I’ll use their cookie-cutter min/maxed build. Until someone else says theirs is “best.” If I wake up and realize I’m not competing with anyone else and they’re not paying my $15 to tell me how to play my game, I’ll just come up with my own build for my own character in the game I’m paying my own $15 to play.
Should there be classless MMOs? Yes, certainly. There should be tons of different kinds of MMOs so everyone can find the one that best suits them.
Classes have the advantage of identifying people’s roles. Its easy to tell what role someone has. Paladin? Tank. Warlock? Ranged DPS. Ranger? Dead. Simple. Skill-based systems CAN have that as well; I think ‘Certifications’ in Eve Online are intended to identify a player’s role. But most don’t for some reason.
Classes are also easier to balance than skills, since you know exactly what abilities someone has based on level. In a hypothetical skill-based game with 100 skills where you can have any five, there would already be billions of possible builds you could have. While the player base might gravitate to one or two cookie cutter builds, there’s always someone out there who will discover build #1,000,0005 which is unbalancing.
As for class vs skill based systems, my preference depends on the type of game I’m playing.
If I’m playing a directed quest experience, cooperative PVE game (like EQ2, WoW, LOTRO), knowing what role someone has is important, so class-based leveling systems are appropriate.
In a competitive RvR team-based e-Sport type of game (WAR), balance and identifying player’s roles are both important, so class-based systems are appropriate. However, levels and RvR don’t mesh well for me.
In a sandbox game (Eve Online, Ultima Online), being able to be whatever you want to be is important, so skill-based leveling systems make the most sense. I guess Darkfall is going for this niche.
You ask if we are ready for more skill-based games? I think definitely. Directed-quest cooperative PVE leveling games like EQ2, WoW, LOTRO, DDO, AC, etc., etc. are fun – I love EQ2. I love the ding! level and the feeling of accomplishment when I get my epic weapon, and all that. But the market is over saturated with games like that. I think people are ready to try something a little bit different, to see what other kinds of virtual worlds we can experience besides the kinds we have now filled to the brim with eight tiers worth of kill 10 rats quests.
I think many players are ready for something different. Most of those “different” kinds of games will probably flop, but you won’t see another successful MMORPG until they make something that is NOT like WOW. Because we already HAVE WOW.
After the pendulum swings back and every game is a Darkfall clone (heh), then I’ll start crying out for developers to bring back the WoW-style class-based leveling grind.
In addition to EVE Online, Planetside is also skill based with higher levels allowing you to spec out more skills at once.
The best model is a skill-based system that includes class options and lets players create new class templates to share. That allows the freedom of pure skill systems while offering the simplicity of a class system for those who want it.
Skill systems are used in more world/roleplay-oriented games. Class systems are used in more arcade-style games. Class systems streamline gameplay and enable more balance of power between players. In a world-focused game, power balancing is less significant.
The preference for class systems since EQ largely explains MMO developers’ obsession with balance. Diablo 2 isn’t an MMO in the same sense, but it demonstrates how an imbalanced game can be fun because of its imbalance if gameplay emphasizes exploration and unique, personal experiences. The classes in that game are only basic templates, similar to my suggestion. A dozen characters of the same class can have remarkably different skill selections.
Anarchy Online is the best skill-based MMOG I’ve played, and the game I still hold all others up to in terms of class development. There was a pretty good mix — implants, nanos, base stats and a huge variety of other stats one could play with to really customize their character, within a chosen class. Really made things like PVP just crazy chaos since one couldn’t necessarily tell how good, bad or indifferent any one player might be based on looks alone. One could argue it was still a level-based game, but all “leveling” did was give you more points to spend on your stats however you wished. Race defined how expensive or cheap base stats were; class defined how expensive or cheap all the other stats were; levels gave you the points to spend. I still that’s brilliant character development and wish other MMO’s had adopted a similar approach to builds.
The issue here is that the flavor of the month problem quickly becomes insurmountable. Let’s say that a Druid healing spell turns out to be overpowered. Not all healers play druids, so that limits the scope of the problem off the bat. Meanwhile, druids have other healing spells, so the devs can nerf the broken spell while buffing others to keep overall healing output at a reasonable place. If you allow 100% skill based choice, the healers will take the best of each type of spell, so you might as well drop most of the mfrom the game.
Assuming there is a “best” don’t we usually take the “best” anyway? The exception was WoW which for the longest time allowed “downranking” where people would take the lowest rank of a certain spell to draw aggro or cast a small heal while at the same time saving mana. I hear downranking was removed in WotLK finally?
Take a look at the list of Healing Prayers spells in Guild Wars for the monk profession. GW is skills-based, and never used spell ranks like WoW did. Each heal works its own way and you can take a single (or a couple) specific styles of healing prayers and design a build from it. Someone else can heal just as well but using totally different healing prayers and totally different builds. And that’s not even touching the Divine Favor or Protection Prayers list…
Will a skills-tree, or skills-based MMO see constant tweaking, balancing, and even nerfing? I’d sure hope so, just as they do with class systems and their skills.
UO and AO ultimately “failed” probably because they were among the first of their kind, so didn’t have much of a reference to the eventual effects of their design. I would hope developers these days would have a greater pool of knowledge of the pros and cons of the old ways and come up with newer ways of handling things. I’m hoping Adventurine does but I’m not holding my breath; the little tiny bit I read about Darkfall literally makes it seem like a 3D version of the original UO without accounting for its failings. But I could be (and probably am) wrong about that one.