The best part about writing about World of Warcraft is coming up with silly post titles.
As I am sure you are aware, World of Warcraft has a new expansion, The War Within, that is in the midst of rolling out. Early access has started and full launch is, I believe, Monday. Normally a WoW expansion wouldn’t interest me at all. The last time I seriously played WoW was before the Burning Crusade expansion. Mind you I was big into what we now call vanilla WoW. I happened to be playing when I was laid off from a job at the start of one summer and decided to just chill out and look for more work in the autumn, and I spent that summer just LIVING in World Of Warcraft. Joined a guild, made friends, chatted with them constantly. The classic MMO experience. It was a really nice time. Then it was back to real life and full-time work and for whatever reason Burning Crusade didn’t hit me right so I left.
I’ve jumped back in many times since but it has never really stuck. And now it is time to jump back in again. And honestly it probably won’t stick but as long as I have fun for a while, does it really matter?
So why now? Two main reasons and I’m going to be honest. Mostly it is due to game developer, influencer and all-around great guy, Dusty Monk. If you don’t know Dusty, he’s one of the nicest people I’ve met online and I think you should subscribe to his relatively new YouTube vlog, I’m Still Playing. (He is just starting out with this project and having more subscribers will help get his channel pushed to more people via the YouTube algorithm, so even if you’re not normally a YT viewer subscribing would still help him out.) I’ve had the pleasure to know Dusty for a number of years and I know that he and I have similar tastes in games. If he likes something I probably will too. He is pretty psyched for The War Within and he’s been getting me psyched too. Here’s the post, from earlier this week, that pushed me over the top:
And if you read the comments you’ll see:
Me: Dammit Dusty, stop tempting me!
Dusty: Brutha I had you in mind when I made this video cause I know you’re like me! C’mon check it out!
I mean how can I resist that? I can’t! I just can’t!
I do tend to play MMOs solo and I do tend to drift away when I run out of content that is solo-able. In some games I can join in with other people to do un-organized group events and I enjoy those, but the idea of waiting around to Form A Group at this point in my life isn’t very appealing. I am just past the point where I can sit down and know I have 2-3 straight hours to play, and like Dusty mentions in that video, you don’t want to finally get in a group then say “Sorry, gotta go.” I am just not that kind of person.
And this solo-friendly aspect of The War Within isn’t just something that Dusty has imagined. At Gamescom, Tina Fong, Associate Art Director on The War Within, when talking about the new Delves feature, said “something that is a priority to us for delves is that it really caters to a group of our audience that historically has been a little underserved by the end game progression loop that we have..” and she goes on to talk about “overworld” players, as she calls us soloists, while Game Director Ion Hazzikostas spelled it out, saying they are “making sure there is a deep solo experience“. In addition to Delves there’s now something like Final Fantasy XIV‘s trust system where you can do at least the main quest dungeons in the expansion with a group of NPCs. No more waiting for a group to take your DPS character through a dungeon so you can continue with the story. Dusty does a great job of going over all the solo-friendly aspects of this new expansion in the video above.
And if you want to watch The War Within segment from the Gamescom 2024 Xbox show (where the Fong and Hazzikostas quotes come from), here it is all queued up for you.
And in addition to that, just on the off chance WoW does ‘stick’ this time (there’s probably a dozen or more “Back to WoW” posts on this blog from throughout the years… probably some are showing in Related Posts down below this post), the start of an expansion which in itself is the start of a new storyline seems like an excellent time to dive back in. It’ll presumably be 4 years (the story is supposed to stretch over 3 expansions and I’m assuming one per year) before that happens again.
So yup, I’m going to do it. Of course I’m still playing, or trying to play, Guild Wars 2 (between overtime at work, following Gamescom and writing a post every day I’ve had little time to actually play this week), and I doubt I can do justice to two MMOs at the same time, but y’know, I’m not getting any younger. I’m going to play what I feel like playing when I feel like playing it and stop agonizing over my choices. It’s just games, right? There’s like a 98% chance that by mid-September I’m playing something other than Guild Wars 2 OR World of Warcraft. That’s just me, chaotic good. Ok maybe chaotic neutral.
Please share your personalized character story! I want to see what they are like!
I apparently don’t have any yet
None of my characters can be found. Not sure if it’s because they aren’t active or if it’s because all their shenanigans were back in “Vanilla” WoW. If I get one, I’ll share!
If you are enjoying it, and you decide you do want to dabble in the absolutely lowest-pressure group content ever, Stands in Bad would welcome you in. We do have a lot of people who mostly do their own thing (myself included) but we get together once every other week for normal raid progression (and on the off weeks, we often run a raid as well for the folks with more time and interest, but there isn’t even really any pressure to sign up & come to the main weeks, never mind the off ones).
Because MMOs are more fun with friends, and I think it would be very cool to play together!
Thanks for the offer! Do we still need to be on the same server and same faction and if so, which should I pick!
We are primarily Alliance on Rexxar/Misha, but guilds are now cross-faction and cross-realm.
If you are interested in doing queued content or getting quest help from other folks, Alliance is probably the way to go (I’d say at least 3/4 of us have an Alliance main). I’m Krikket#1542, feel free to poke me I’ll be around more often than not.
I generally go Alliance anyway, so that works for me. Thanks!
Dammit, Pete! Just so you know, you’re as bad an influence as Dusty.
Glo and I keep seeing the trailers and keep giving it a pass because the last few times we tried to play, it just wasn’t fun. Regular servers are so dumbed down and the “classic” or whatever they called it servers were too “been there, done that”. I really like this concept, and wish more games would embrace this model, but pretty sure we’re not interested enough in a WoW resurrection to go through all the authentication BS to get our old accounts back online. And definitely know we don’t want to start completely from scratch.
That’s exactly what my experience has been prior to now. Classic was too the same, the regular ones were like “Look at this NPC Quest giver. As a reward here are 2 levels!”
Hoping it feels different this time around.
Please keep posting about it! Love to hear how it goes, we might be convinced.