One Last (?) Fallout 76 Seasons Post

For the throngs of you who are fascinated with Fallout 76 Seasons (there are throngs of you, right?) I wanted to share just a few last odds and ends on the topic.

If I were participating in Blaugust this would be a great way to fill a day but since I am definitely NOT participating in Blaugust, this post is just essential information you NEED in order to plan out your Fallout 76 season! (You’re buying all this, right?).

So I got my last Legendary perk maxed the day after my last post on this stuff, and I finally took note of some numbers. You get 25 tickets for every season level. The Perk Point prize costs 75 tickets, so every three levels you can buy another one. A very conservative estimate is that you can easily earn 6 seasons a week, and you’ll probably earn more.

It’s hard to say for sure how many seasons/week you’ll get since there are a lot of variables. For example Fallout 1st subscribers get 1 extra Daily Task. You can pop a SCORE booster to get a 25% in Season exp for 24 hours. And every day you get 2 free “Re-rolls” that let you randomly replace a task with another task, and when you do this you SOMETIMES get an “Epic” task that is worth more points.

But here’re some numbers because who doesn’t love math!? At least at the level I’m at (153 or so) it requires 3500 exp to advance a seasonal level. Doing all the daily tasks with a Fallout 1st subscription but without SCORE boosters or re-rolling for Epic tasks gives you 3,441/day at high seasonal levels (that caveat is because by the time you hit Season Level 100 you’ll have a permanent +25% exp buff from items you earn in the season, assuming you’ve chosen them…and why wouldn’t you?).

So if you log in daily and do all the dailies you’ll get 24,087 exp per week. Then for the weekly tasks, you can earn another 13,125 exp. Total season exp = 37,212/week which means 10 levels per week, IF you’re willing to log in every day. It generally takes me about 2 hours to do all the weekly and daily tasks on Tuesday, and probably 30 minutes a day for Wed-Mon to do just the daily tasks. That’s after playing a while and knowing where to go to get what. Tasks like “Collect 2 teapots” can take 2 minutes if you know where to find teapots, or an hour if you have to search for them. (Though the Fallout 76 wiki will tell you right where to go for most things.) Spoiler: Helvetia has a few teapots in various store windows and display cases.

If you really want to max things, use a SCORE booster late on a Tuesday and then get all the Dailies and Weeklies done on Tuesday, and do Wednesday’s Dailies early while the SCORE booster is still in effect. That’ll add about 5000 exp to your weekly total. But 6 levels/week feels like a pretty comfortable number to aim for and something you can hit without building your schedule around Fallout 76 Daily/Weekly Tasks.

My next bunch of Perk Points will go towards the Master Infiltrator perk. This is the only Legendary Perk I use that isn’t a straight SPECIAL attribute point perk. It gives you a rank of 3 in both lockpicking and hacking, which is a great quality of life perk. Otherwise every time you want to pick/hack you have to stop and equip the appropriate perk cards (or leave them on all the time and suck up 6 points just to do these activities). Since level 3 is the max, ranking up this perk just lets you auto-pick/hack things without playing the mini-games. If I never have to manually pick a lock again, that would make me very happy, so that’s my next goal.

Anyway, I guess I’m pretty much done with my current VATS Commando build for now. At the top of this post is where I landed in terms of Special Points and Cards. Perception, Agility and Luck are kind of my main stats and they were already maxed. I added some Strength mostly to get more carry weight, some Charisma so I could slot in Tenderizer Level 3 (+10% damage to a target for 10 seconds after you attack it) and some Intelligence mostly for exp buffs. I don’t really have many Intelligence perks that are important for my current combat build, aside from Nerd Rage. Stuff like Fix It Good is only of value when you’re repairing stuff, and I have a Crafter build I switch to for that, but I had to slot SOMETHING so…

Next goals, I guess, will be to start on another build. Or maybe do some questing. We’ll see.

2 thoughts on “One Last (?) Fallout 76 Seasons Post

    1. I like it!

      I tried to convince Dusty Monk it was Vlaugust so he’d have to put up one of his vlogs every day but he wasn’t buying it.

      As long as I don’t say I’m doing Blaugust there’s no pressure on me to write every day, but all the other posts have been inspiring me to write more!

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