A Fallout 76 Milestone: Season Level 150!

I did it! I actually did it. I made it to level 150 in the current Fallout 76 season. Since the middle of June I’ve been logging in every day without fail to do the daily and weekly tasks, and for the first part of the season (eg levels 1-100) I spent a couple hours each week grinding out exp by buffing the heck out of my Intelligence and XP Bonuses and beating the hell out of level 100 Super Mutants in West Tek.

As of this afternoon I’m at level 150 with 2,450 tickets saved up. I need 850 perk points to level up the Legendary Stat Perks I’m using to level 5. There’s a repeatable Season Pass item that gives 25 perk points for 75 tickets. Which means… I can’t quite get there. If my math is right I should be able to trade in tickets for 800 Perk Points.

Hold on a moment while I go do that…

…and done. I have 123 Perk Points left over (I had some in reserve) and need to get to 150 to max my last stat Legendary Perk card. I can keep earning season levels and with them, tickets. So unless Bethesda suddenly announces the season is ending this weekend, I should finish maxing out that perk in the next couple weeks.

So here are my Special stats when I logged in today:

My SPECIAL stats at the start of the day:
STR 27
PER 34
CHR 18
INT 27
AGI 31
LCK 27
SPECIAL stats before I started spending

And my allocated SPECIAL points and the perks I’ve been using:

Special Points Allocated:
PER 15
AGI 15
LCK 14
And here are my SPECIAL points and perks before I began.

Then I went off to buy and spend Perk Points and now here’re my allocated SPECIAL points and perks:

SPECIAL allocation after spending tickets:
STR 12
PER 15
INT 13
AGI 15
LCK 15
Allocated SPECIAL points and Perks after the spend

And finally my current SPECIAL points. I have a few temporary buffs going but nothing crazy. As long as I keep my health low via being radiated this is about where I’ll be:

SPECIAL stats after spending:
STR 37
PER 39
END 10
CHR 23
INT 40
AGI 26
LCK 33
SPECIAL stats with mutation buff, perk buffs and a few food/drink buffs

I have more Intelligence than I really need for Perk Cards, but every point of Intelligence = 2 or 3% more experience gained, which is why I have that all buffed up. I’d love to do something more interesting than GOOD WITH SALT in Luck but then my food spoils so quickly. We’ll see, though.

Anyway, I’m pretty proud of this accomplishment not because it was hard, but because it required persistence, and I struggle with being persistent about projects like this. It is very, very common for me to get bored or distracted and just drift away but this time, at least, I stuck with it.

So the questions now are: will Fallout 76 continue to hold my attention now that I’m more or less maxed out on progress? I can continue to farm gear and hunt for god rolls and such but progression will be subtle from this point out, unless I’m missing something. I do have to admit that for the past few weeks I’ve been logging in JUST to do the dailies and weeklies and not really playing any more than that as, yes I’ll admit it, getting to 150 was feeling like a chore or a commitment rather than something to do for fun.

But now that I am there, I’m glad I made it. I think I’ll get that last legendary maxed and then maybe give the game a rest until the big update and the new season starts in September. But we’ll see!

2 thoughts on “A Fallout 76 Milestone: Season Level 150!

  1. Every time I see you, or someone else, having a good time with FO76, I think to myself ‘I should give it another go’. But I always end up disappointed. xD

    I think at least some of that, though, stems from the fact that playing from NZ introduces just enough latency into the experience to make it feel janky to an extent which probably doesn’t exist these days when you’re closer to their data centres.

    Still though… New season in September you say? 😉

    1. September is my guess based on lengths of prior seasons and that they have a new update coming in fall.

      Honestly though, it IS pretty janky in a lot of ways. A lot of the UI is super laggy. Sometimes you’ll shoot a thing and like 1/4 second later it explodes, y’know? Stuff like that. For whatever reason that doesn’t bug me here, though when I go off and play a nicely polished game I think “Ooo, this is so nice!” 🙂

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