» Seal Team and the Chosen
03/25/25 00:24 (12 hours ago) from JVT Workshop
» Pictures Or It Didn't happen
03/24/25 15:28 (21 hours ago) from Inventory Full
This is going to be a different post to the one I planned and a much shorter one, too. That's not so much of a problem from my point of v...
» I Wanted Evendim, I got Esteldin
03/24/25 15:15 (21 hours ago) from The Ancient Gaming Noob
My plan was simple. I just wanted to finish up the epic quest line in the Lone Lands and then move along to Evendim, the next sort of ep...
» Rocking out in Höllvania
03/24/25 15:00 (21 hours ago) from Mailvaltar
So, despite having been looking forward to it quite a lot last fall, once it was actually released I took my sweet time to check out Warf...
» Diablo III: Howling at the new moon
03/24/25 13:00 (23 hours ago) from Bio Break
When you’re in the mood for some mindless flashy ARPG fun, where do you go? There are plenty of choices, both newer and older, offl...
» Humble Choice – March 2025 Edition
03/24/25 13:00 (23 hours ago) from Nerd Girl Thoughts
It’s time again for the quick summary of the March 2025 Humble Choice Bundle. Every month, when the bundle releases, a bunch of us get to...
» Monster Hunters Wilding
03/24/25 12:19 (1 day ago) from Chasing Dings!
I like to think of the Monster Hunter series being set in the same world as the Pokemon games. Related posts: Stranger of Paradise: Final...
» Death to Hel's Bane in Asgard's Wrath!
03/24/25 03:04 (1 day ago) from The Friendly Necromancer
As predicted yesterday, I finished up the fight with Hel's Bane this evening. I did spend a bunch of time this morning upgrading Fr...
» Battle of the Network Horror TTRPGs
03/23/25 23:24 (1 day ago) from Scopique
I don't even LIKE horror movies, but I am obsessed with horror TTRPGs as of late. Here's my take on two, The Secret World and Delta Green.
» A Rocky Start
03/23/25 22:29 (1 day ago) from Going Commando | A SWTOR Fan Blog
» The Importance of the Backup Mic - Game Videos
03/23/25 21:01 (1 day ago) from Endgame Viable
You’ve just recorded a 30 minute game session, you said some really witty and insightful stuff about the game, better than you usua...
» TAGN Fantasy Critic League 2025 – Week Eleven and Assassin’s Creed Shadows Shows UbiSoft Hasn’t Screwed Up Its Entire Business Yet
03/23/25 15:15 (1 day ago) from The Ancient Gaming Noob
Week eleven now has almost everybody on the board with a score as well as seeing how a couple of big titles have shaken out when it came ...
» Small Victories, Big Losses -- Back to Asgard's Wrath!
03/23/25 03:57 (2 days ago) from The Friendly Necromancer
As I'm typing this to you, my face is covered in sweat. Sec . . . need to go take care of this facial drench. . . . and...
» LOTRO 64-Bit Server Transfers and My Character Inventory
03/22/25 15:15 (2 days ago) from The Ancient Gaming Noob
Transfers are currently available from our 32-bit game worlds to Peregrin and Meriadoc. Additionally, free transfers are now available fr...
» My Pathfinder 2E Beginner Box improvements
03/22/25 00:29 (3 days ago) from GamingSF
Watching a recent Ronald the Rules Lawyer Youtube video I noted his critique of the Pathfinder 2E Beginner Box potentially feeling too &#...
» Boom Times at the Forsaken Inn
03/21/25 15:15 (3 days ago) from The Ancient Gaming Noob
As I pretty much said at the end of my last LOTRO post, I had arrived in the Lone Lands. It was time to dig into my most played and, per...
» The Past Is Always With Me
03/21/25 13:27 (3 days ago) from Inventory Full
Thanks to spending all my time leafing through my own musical back pages these last couple of weeks, I don't have a huge amount of new mu...
» The Sims 4: Showering in the rain
03/21/25 13:00 (3 days ago) from Bio Break
At this point in the Sims 4, I feel like I’m under so much of a time crunch to finish this Blast from the Past quest line before th...
» Game Night: Bardwood Grove
03/21/25 12:00 (4 days ago) from Chasing Dings!
Run around a forest, do bard stuff, become the most famous bard in Bardwood Grove. Related posts: Game Night: In Too Deep, Terraforming M...
» House Wars V: The Flood
03/21/25 01:50 (4 days ago) from JVT Workshop
» Happy 26th Birthday, EverQuest! Now Give Me My Presents!
03/20/25 18:06 (4 days ago) from Inventory Full
What does it take to get me to log into a game I haven't even updated in months? Yep. You got it. F r e e S t u f f ! It's EverQuest 's t...
» At the Pinnacle of the Current State of Enshrouded
03/20/25 15:15 (4 days ago) from The Ancient Gaming Noob
As I noted in a previous post, we’re not done with Enshrouded yet. We still meet up once a week to go do something as a group. Bu...
» A Farewell to the OotiniCast
03/19/25 17:08 (5 days ago) from Going Commando | A SWTOR Fan Blog
» The Stars Reach Kickstarter Campaign is in The Final Stretch
03/19/25 15:15 (5 days ago) from The Ancient Gaming Noob
Will the impending end of the campaign draw in more backers? Will there be a last minute rush? Some excitement? Something crazy to dra...
» Getting To The Point
03/19/25 13:44 (5 days ago) from Inventory Full
And so we come to the part of the story I find the most interesting: turning dreams into reality. Well, daydreams into some kind of facsi...
» World of Warcraft: Climbing up the gear ladder once more
03/19/25 13:00 (5 days ago) from Bio Break
With the debut of Season 2 in World of Warcraft, I’m getting more organized and structured once more to focus on two characters tha...
» Malifaux: New Crew Two
03/19/25 11:56 (6 days ago) from Chasing Dings!
Rasputina meets the alien, mind-controlling Cadmus project on the streets of Malifaux City. Related posts: Malifaux: Pig Farm Malifaux Ni...
» A Peek at the Big March 2025 EVE Online Update
03/18/25 15:15 (6 days ago) from The Ancient Gaming Noob
Last week we had a big patch to EVE Online… so I guess that checks off the “Revenant Update” square on the 2025 roadmap...
» Gearing Up for The Secret World TTRPG
03/18/25 14:23 (6 days ago) from Scopique
True to form, whenever I write about a position I take, my position changes. Thank Star Anvil for bringing The Secret World to Foundry VT...
» The End Of The Beginning: The Stars Reach Kickstarter Enters Its Final Week
03/18/25 12:28 (7 days ago) from Inventory Full
The Stars Reach Kickstarter has just over a week left to run. The total so far stands at $605k from a $200k ask. That target was smashed ...
» Revisiting Devour
03/18/25 11:00 (7 days ago) from Many Welps
Yet again I find myself in a familiar situation. It goes like this: The Squad is discussing what we should play with this past weekend.I ...
» Zero Day and Paradise
03/18/25 05:17 (7 days ago) from JVT Workshop
» Best Ding in a While
03/17/25 22:22 (7 days ago) from Going Commando | A SWTOR Fan Blog
» Thinking Out Loud
03/17/25 20:01 (7 days ago) from Blog - Contains Moderate Peril
Art is a big subject, so I shall keep this brief. Art has a massive impact on shaping our personalities, whether we think it does or not....
» Happy St. Patrick's Day 2025 -- home green edition
03/17/25 17:52 (7 days ago) from The Friendly Necromancer
Yay, it's St. Patrick's Day! I'm home sick from work! Stomach bug. A lot has kind of been rolling through my brain late...
» I Write The Songs. Well, Kinda...
03/17/25 14:07 (7 days ago) from Inventory Full
Over the past ten days I've spent about as much time fiddling about with old tapes and new technology as I used to spend playing MMORPGs....
» LOTRO: A new life on Peregrin
03/17/25 13:00 (7 days ago) from Bio Break
The week leading up to LOTRO’s new 64-bit servers was a hot mess of flaming garbage. There’s no way to sugarcoat that; it sim...
» Sword for Hire: Vertical Slice & Vibe Coding
03/17/25 12:00 (8 days ago) from Chasing Dings!
When it's mapped out, Sword for Hire isn't as large as it looks in the book. But, it is possible to play through the game and level up. R...
» The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep and Bogota: City of the Lost
03/16/25 21:38 (8 days ago) from JVT Workshop
» Bio Break Mix Tape: Denzal Park, Cage the Elephant, and more!
03/16/25 13:00 (8 days ago) from Bio Break
It’s the start of the week, so why not start it off right with some great tunes? Enjoy your latest Bio Break Mix Tape, a random collectio...
» New Phone? No Thanks
03/15/25 19:06 (9 days ago) from Blog - Contains Moderate Peril
I last bought a new phone in March 2022. At the time I decided to move away from Samsung after a decade of brand loyalty and try the Goog...
» The Recluse Report - March 2025 Part 1
03/15/25 16:27 (9 days ago) from Endgame Viable
Once again we find ourselves scrambling to catch up with writing a post. It’s never a good sign when I forget to prepare the docume...
» DRIVE-ing Me Crazy – WoW’s New Car Mount and The Zone It Calls Home
03/15/25 15:09 (9 days ago) from Kaylriene
In my early look post about Season 2 of The War Within and the content of patch 11.1, one thing, or rather two, that I neglected to…...
» Long Story Short(ish)
03/15/25 11:07 (10 days ago) from Inventory Full
I'm always saying I'd like to do shorter posts. Turns out all I needed to do was not play any games and it happens naturally. EverQuest I...
» These Fragments...
03/14/25 21:04 (10 days ago) from Inventory Full
I have absolutely nothing to write about today because I've been spending every waking minute fiddling around with old cassette tapes and...
» The Sims 4: An unforeseen reboot
03/14/25 13:00 (10 days ago) from Bio Break
As Jake’s writing skill shoots up, his confidence grows in being able to write books. He’s still not making any serious money...
» LOTRO: 64-Bit Server Migration Part 4
03/13/25 22:42 (11 days ago) from Blog - Contains Moderate Peril
It has not been a good week for the MMORPG, The Lord of the Rings Online and its developer Standing Stone Games. The migration from legac...
» Useless Musings on Virtual Tabletops
03/13/25 22:09 (11 days ago) from Scopique
Adopting a VTT is not an insignificant decision, and I was questioning my loyalties this afternoon. Here's a random thought process to re...
» My Early Season 2 War Within Impressions – Keystone Master, Full Normal Raid, Underpin ? AND ??, and Delves
03/13/25 20:53 (11 days ago) from Kaylriene
I’ve had a busy Season 2 of The War Within, diving headfirst into all the content. What do I mean? Well, in the first 9 days ofR...
» Nightingale City - I Guess It's Not Going Anywhere...
03/13/25 16:26 (11 days ago) from Inventory Full
There was a big surprise for me in today's gaming news - the sudden appearance of Nightingale City . I knew it was in the works but with ...
I’m more positive on it than you, but that’s only because I am making the assumption that every PS4 game I own, physical or digital, will play unmodified and without extra cost on the PS5. That’s a pretty big leap. I don’t think they will add PS1, 2, and 3 support, but if they turned around and said they have complete backward compatibility, that would more than seal the deal.
If they say instead that they have limited PS4 support and you’ll have to rebuy the games on the PS5, that’s more a deal breaker. Yes, I also want it for Horizon: Forbidden West, but I wouldn’t be first in line.
I want to want the PS5 because the UI and controller is great. That and I have more friends that play on PS than on Xbox. I have tons Xbox friends but we never are playing same game. So many times I’ve tried to play Division or Elder Scrolls with Xbox buddies but nope nope nope.
When I had a PS4 I played with friends weekly. I think it is because the UI and grouping is so much easier.
I love that I can pick up the Xbox and have a game to play day 1. Actually, I can have 100s of games. The problem is the controller is junk. I have the hardest time enjoying myself because the controller is so touchy and has 0 haptic feedback on the sticks like the PS4 does. Just sloppy!
I wish the PS5 would have a subscription like Xbox so on day 1 I’m not spending $1000 to play a game. Granted, I only play about 3 games off the Xbox pass. That and I bought 1 of the three. So I’m torn. Do I buy the system I am more comfortable playing or the console that is more powerful and has more games.
Idk I’ll have to see and weigh my options over the next few months. I can always just keep my Xbox one and use the remaining portion of my subscription then move over to PS5.