Time for a preliminary “review” of Return to Castle Wolfenstein for the XBox platform. This is all based on a few hours of offline, and a few hours of online, play.

As a single player game, RTCW is a competent FPS. Controls are tight; none of the overly twitchy FPS controls we see too often when PC games are ported to console. A wide range of customizations, too. Dolby 5.1 sound intensifies the action, and the game, for the most part, looks really good. My only gripe is a slight “fisheye” effect (most noticable when you look at nearby walls or something). A solid game, definite worth a rent and possibly worth buying. I haven’t finished solo mode so don’t know how long it is. (But if you finish it, you unlock the original Wolf 3D, which should be a hoot.)

And then there’s MP over XBox Live! And this is where RTCW shines. Continue reading “RTCW XBox”

Planetside tidbit

Possibly old news, but I just learned the Planetside has voice-over-IP integrated into the game. So if you have a headset, you can talk to your squadmates. Sweet.