Why I like the tablet form factor

This post is a response to a conversation I’ve been having on Twitter. People ask me why I’m interested in getting a tablet (or slate, if you prefer) PC.

First, let me be clear. I’m not trying to sell anyone else on this form factor. I’m saying I personally like the tablet profile, and here’s why.

I surf the web. I know that term is now considered obsolete but it really describes what I do. When I’m sitting at my desk staring at a computer, I’ve got a bunch of tabs open to various web pages. I have a twitter client running. I have an IM client running. I’ve got email notifications popping up. My RSS feed is filling. I flit from place to place, skimming lots of different content. I’ll read a paragraph or two of a page, then be distracted by something else and later go back to ingest another ‘graph or two. “Surfing” definitely describes what I’m doing. I do very little “deep reading” on my traditional computers.

When I use a tablet, I don’t work in the same way. My current tablet (that I just got for Christmas) is the Asus EEE T91MT. It’s a netbook with a touch screen that folds back into a tablet format.

When I use it as a tablet, I tend to run a web browser with 1 – 2 tabs open (generally my Instapaper listing or articles to read and the current article I’m reading) or I run some e-book software. I focus on one thing. Part of that is a limitation of the netbook hardware. It’s got 1 gig of ram and an Atom processor…it can’t handle running a bunch of software all at once. But part of it is the experience of the tablet.

When I sit at a computer I’m reading the screen from 18″ or so away. I’m reading text that’s on an object. I also see my keyboard and the window behind the monitor and all kinds of other things. Even if I don’t run a lot of different software, I have a lot of distractions and I’m easily distracted by nature.

When I lay on the couch (or in bed) with the tablet I’m holding it 9-12 inches from my eyes. I see the content on the screen. Essentially it’s like reading a book or a magazine. What you’re reading pretty much fills your field of view. That keeps me focused on one thing, and I get a lot more out of what I’m reading. I read more deeply. I retain more. I finish articles all in one swoop.

The tablet form factor also means I can read more comfortably. I can shift around, move it closer or farther way. Lay on my side with the tablet laying on the bed next to me, or lay on my back with it resting on my chest like a book. It doesn’t get hot and it doesn’t have a keyboard jutting out of the screen (I know some folks balance a netbook on their chest…for my old eyes, that’s going to put the screen too far away unless the front of the keyboard is touching my teeth). Now the T91 is a little thicker and a little heavier than I’d like it to be, which is why I’m looking forward to a ‘true’ slate PC at some point in the not so distant future.

Werit mentioned that he could do all that I want to do with his Droid, and I agree. But for me the Droid is just a bit too small. I can hold it sideways to get an 800 pixel wide screen that displays the main column of most web pages, but then the depth of the page is so short that I’m constantly scrolling. For ebooks, I’m constantly paging and that kind of breaks up the cadence of reading. I just need something a tad bigger than the Droid’s screen for my personal comfort. (But don’t get me wrong, I have e-book software on my Droid and will happily read from it when I’m out and about and have some time on my hands…it’s an awesome phone.)

People say tablets are too big to lug around and I agree. I don’t want one to carry around with me. I just want one to take to the couch or to bed for when I want to catch up on reading some web content (or ebooks) that I really want to relax and enjoy; not skim through.

So those are my reasons…they’re hard to convey 140 characters at a time. 🙂

5 thoughts on “Why I like the tablet form factor

  1. hey!, I’m with you there.

    I currently find e-readers too expensive for what functionality they have, but they are a nice comfortable page size. Tablets so far are a bit too bulky. I am looking forward to the near future when a tablet can be be a bit lighter and handier to allow for casual computing/surfing needs and also provide excellent e-reader and video watching. Then just wrap it in a nice leather bound book like casing and you have what I’ve been waiting for.

  2. The tablets are walking a fine line between a netbook and a mobile device, which I think means that they’re on the fringe of acceptance at the moment. A lot of people are turned off (or at least are wary) of the size of these tablets, but I think that they can’t be any smaller. Droids and iPhones work well on the street for quick info, but as you said, they’re not built for long-term browsing. Netbooks and laptops have the keyboard that makes them egonomically uncomfortable when used in certain situations.

    The tablets are home devices, or briefcase devices. I’m looking forward to possibly picking one up (possibly the HP one demo’d at MS’s keynote), but I want one that will be more then just a browsing device. I’m looking for a portable device with pen input so I can use it to take notes or make sketches in OneNote or Evernote. I’d like to save paper, and to be able to archive my notes and designs in one place. From what I think I saw on the HP device, it’s running Win Something (7? XP?) Tablet edition, which would be more then enough for me to use a note taking software, and even the desktop Kindle software. If it has media playback, that’s a bonus.

  3. I will be sold on the tablet/slate in one regard: if it’s easy to type on. Most of my PC time is spent writing as well as reading, and if the new Apple tablet (iSlate?) is going to be a success, then I have to be able to type as easily as I can on a traditional keyboard. I don’t know if that will be possible. I got used to it on my iPhone, but if it’s more cumbersome than useful, I already have a smartphone for my browsing needs. I want a tablet/slate for the ease of portability and use, and if the use isn’t there for what I do, then I’ll just stick with my iPhone and get a MacBook Pro when I finally have the cash.

  4. Since I got my iPhone a few weeks ago it’s become my main “non work” computing device, but I would move to the right kind of tablet if I could for many of the reasons Jaded mentions–web surfing, ebook reading plus some touch-specific apps (some of my weather software would translate well off a desktop/laptop to tablet). I confess I’m very curious abt Apple’s plans, but I’m not likely to be a early adopter (for financial as well a tech reasons).

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