Peggle Whisperer

I had a crappy day at work today, came home pissed off at the world for no reason I could put my finger on. Went to log into Warhammer and the authorization servers seem to be … unhappy. By the time I futzed around enough to get myself logged in, I didn’t feel like playing. Putzed around on my Warrior Priest alt a bit and logged.

Sitting in front of the computer thinking what to do and fired up Peggle for a minute.

A few hours later, I “finished” the game (meaning I got through all the levels in Adventure Mode.

I still don’t know why I was so angry, but I know I’m not any more. Sometimes you just need a silly relaxing game to take the edge off.

I am…the Peggle Whisperer.

Of course, I didn’t get high score… hmm, maybe its time to start over… 🙂

Easily influenced

Last night you got a rant. Now you get uncomfortable naval-gazing….

That’s right, its the introspection post! Woot!

A couple of nights ago I went tearing through Tier 2 with CoWs and others and had an absolute blast playing. Since then I haven’t had any significant time to play. But I’ve been following blogs and some boards and this whole scenario issue has been eating at me.

And before ya know it, I’m ranting about everyone playing scenarios and no one doing OpenRvR when *the last time I played* all we did was OpenRvR. Granted most of Destruction didn’t get the memo but it was still fun to be in a big group (that wasn’t playing a scenario) taking down objectives.

I dunno why I let myself get caught up in the negativity. I think it has a lot to do with being frustrated because I want to play but can’t. So already my brain is headed down the road to snarky and when there’s other snarky brains headed in the same direction, mine just joins the warband and the snark breeds.

Before I do any more commenting on Warhammer, I’m going to wait until I find some time to put a few solid hours in. Get the joy back. Pretty much every time I log into Warhammer, I have a good time. Often I have a great time.

Maybe I’ll get to play tonight. I’ll definitely get the chance tomorrow. Blessed weekend, come to me!!!