Got Game?

Got Game: How the Gamer Generation Is Reshaping Business Forever
Rating: 1 of 5 stars

Got Game: How the Gamer Generation Is Reshaping Business Forever by John C. Beck & Mitchell Wade

This book was a big disappointment. Part of the reason for that was basic timeliness; it was published in 2004 and we all know how quickly our world is changing. The entire volume is basically reporting the results of a survey the authors conducted, and that data must have been gathered at least a year before the publish date.

So a lot of the facts are out of date; for instance they talk a lot about what a solitary activity gaming is, and today that’s often not really true. But you can’t blame the authors for the passage of time.

What you can blame them for is creating a divide where no divide exists. The book is written for “Baby Boomer” managers who are wary of hiring “Gamers.” And the authors apparently tag all of us with one of those two labels. You are either a Boomer or a Gamer, and that distinction seems to be based on the year of your birth, with little regard for how you spend your time.

Now maybe my experience is atypical, but I can’t remember a manager ever saying to me “This kid’s resume looks pretty good but we shouldn’t hire him; he’s one of those damned Gamers!”

Essentially the two authors conjured a problem out of thin air, then surveyed a bunch of people and spun their findings to apply to their fake problem, and wrote a book about it all. And apparently then they repeated a process with a second book published in 2006.

Avoid this one. You’re not going to learn a thing from it.

View all my reviews.

I’ve been memed!

I have to confess, I’ve never been meme-tagged before. That kind of thing generally doesn’t happen to us grumpy soloers. Usually people tag their tanks from the night before, or once in a while the hot elf chick (or dude, depending on gender preference) who threw ’em a buff the other day.

But Ysharros tagged ME! I feel like Charlie Brown opening his mailbox to find his first ever Valentine!

OK OK, kidding aside, it really is the first time the blog has been pinged on one of these viral social-networking fun meme things, and I thank Ysh for it! My only disappointment is that I couldn’t come up with a properly alliterative title for the post.

To recap, this is the Sixth Screenshot Meme. The idea is to go into your screenshots folder, then into the 6th subfolder and post the 6th screenshot. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should go you go into a 6th sub-subfolder. We’re saving that for the Devil’s Screenshot Meme.

Sadly for me, my Sixth Screenshot is from EQ2 and one I’ve posted not too long ago:
09_01_raffes_feastIt’s the Feasting Table inside my character’s house.

In order to dig up something more interesting, I sorted my screenshot folder in reverse chronological last-modified date, then did the same with the images inside. Here’s what I came up with that way:
This is a “mule” from the live then canceled then live again MMO Saga of Ryzom. I really should revisit that strange world while it is still around. I haven’t played since the Ryzom Ring was added. The Ring is supposed to allow for player-created quests.

Like Ysharros, I don’t have a lot of really old screenies any more. At some point I do run out of space and just purge old stuff.

Anyway, now it’s my turn to tag more people. Woot!

Looking forward to what you all come up with!