Details, details

So I need to know, am I a freak, or just a bit too anal?

I’m reading Eragon, which is a Young Adult fantasy. (Please don’t tell anyone I’m not a Young Adult) and I came across something that just stuck in my craw.

On one page is this sentence:

At dawn the sun’s rays streamed through the window, warming Eragon’s face.

Fair enough. It’s a warm day. The characters awake and break their fasts and then its time to go work in the fields and we read:

The sun was cold and pale. providing little comfort.

WTF? So now it seems like a winter sun. What kind of day has the sun getting cooler as the day goes on?

And why in the world does this bother me? I read it yesterday and this morning its still bugging me. Maybe its the editor in me or something. But does that kind of thing bug other readers, too?

Mind you, I’m certainly not condeming the entire book because of this one faux pas. In fact I’m enjoying it so far. This post is more about introspection than critiquing the book. Why can’t I let stuff like this go!!!?? 🙂